October 30, 2020 Mindfulness-Based Skills to Promote Resilience and Connection Are you interested in learning how mindfulness practices can impact a child’s ability to deal with stress, anxiety, and trauma? Join Megan Davis on November 19 for “Compassionate Classrooms: Mindfulness-Based Skills to Promote Resilience and Connection.” About The goal of this webinar is to introduce mindfulness skills that educators, therapists, and paraprofessionals can integrate into the classroom to build resiliency, distress tolerance, and connection. At the end of this session, you will have gained insight into how simple mindfulness practices directly impact our body’s ability to downregulate in the face of stress, anxiety, and trauma. You will be able to integrate concrete skills into your classroom to support students’, as well as your own, wellness. Featured Topics In this webinar, Megan Davis will: define a basic understanding of how stress impacts the nervous system and our ability to self-regulate, demonstrate breathing exercises to calm and balance an activated nervous system, demonstrate mindfulness exercises to regulate and widen the “window of tolerance”, help professionals plan for how and when to integrate skills into a typical school day (virtual or in-person), and provide opportunities to reflect on current self-care practices and how they translate to the culture of classroom wellness. Registration This webinar is best suited for K-12 teachers, librarians, school leaders, therapists, and counselors. To register, visit the EdWeb website.
September 1, 2020 Stress Management Tools and Techniques Are you interested in learning evidence-based tools parents, teachers, and children can use to self-soothe and regulate their emotions? Join Coach Troy Byer on September 22 for “Stress Management Tools and Techniques.” About In this webinar, Mind Care & Emotion Regulation Expert Troy Byer will highlight tools and tips parents, teachers, and children can use to self-soothe and regulate their emotions – especially when confronted with stressors, threats, or challenges. Coach Troy will help participants learn exercises focused on self-soothing and emotion regulation techniques that address confusion, anger, anxiety, depression, and help children regulate their behavior. Participants will complete this webinar with a toolbox of organic, quick, effective, and fun techniques. Featured Topics This webinar will feature the following topics: how to use Emotion Regulation Finger Holds, how they work, and why they work so well; how to distinguish emotional triggers and how to deactivate a trigger before it is expressed negatively; and the importance of maintaining a state of peace and right brain/left brain coherence and how to organically regulate the experience. Registration To register, visit the event webpage.
April 3, 2020 Strategies for Virtual Learning for Students with Dyslexia Are you interested in learning about tips, techniques, and strategies that are designed to support students with dyslexia? Join Learning Ally on April 9 for the webinar, “Strategies for Virtual Learning for Students with Dyslexia.” About The thought of accomplishing meaningful virtual learning for students is a daunting one. When you consider the complexities of providing intervention, accommodations, and other supports for students with dyslexia in a virtual learning environment, the task becomes even more intimidating. It doesn’t have to be though! Join presenters for this webinar to learn tips, techniques, and strategies designed to keep your students learning. Presenters make sure you know what students need in order to thrive and leave you with a list of go-to resources that will prepare you to deliver instruction in a variety of virtual technology environments. This webinar will be of value to pre-k through high school teachers and school and district leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation. Registration To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.
May 6, 2019 Positive Racial Identity Development in Early Education Join the Positive Racial Identity Development in Early Education (P.R.I.D.E.) program for a professional development training centered on exposing directors to strategies that promote positive racial identity in African American children. This session will offer 6 credit hours; PQAS approved. Training Objectives Upon completion, the learner will be able to: Describe racial awareness (i.e., the ages and stages at which children develop an awareness of physical characteristics related to existing social categories of race in America), Display awareness of the role of early educators in supporting children’s healthy understanding of race, and Illustrate techniques for working with staff and families to integrate conversations and activities that support children’s racial awareness and positive racial identity. Registration To register for this training, visit the Pennsylvania PD Registry website. Questions For registration questions, contact Emily Bengel at 412.255.1453 or ebengel@ywcapgh.org. For course questions, contact Aisha White at 412.383.7372 or aiw9@pitt.edu. Share this flyer with your network.
March 29, 2019 Trauma-Informed Care: Training Session Our past experiences – personal, familial, societal – influence our brain development and shape how we interpret and respond to the world. Sometimes adults do not recognize how these experiences manifest as behaviors and they unintentionally harm children. This introductory session is designed to change participants’ approach to the behaviors children exhibit to decrease the likelihood of triggering them. Session Objectives Participants will be introduced to the Trauma-Informed Care framework. Participants will become familiar with the foundations of Trauma-Informed Care. Participants will understand complex trauma and the parts of the brain related to trauma. Participants will learn to recognize the impacts of trauma. To pre-register for this session, visit their Eventbrite page. *A certificate of participation will be given upon request. Session Focus Areas General Overview Trauma-Informed Care Framework Complex Trauma including Brain Development Impacts of Trauma What ELIE Circle Is Bringing Self-Reflection Self-Care Growth Mindset Intentionally Building Relationships Importance Barriers including Race and Gender Techniques Communication Importance Barriers Techniques including Motivational Interviewing, Empathic Communication, Restorative Practices About ELIE Circle ELIE Circle works to eliminate that through professional development training sessions that create trauma-informed communities – environments that focus on not re-traumatizing individuals and assist with development that may have been lost or delayed due to trauma – emotion regulation and empathy for example. ELIE Circle provides the following professional development services: Collaboration to create training sessions for organizations Consultation on creating trauma-informed out-of-school programs Facilitation of discussions with Q&A *Each customer receives a free consultation meeting to discuss organizational needs. Questions & Concerns For any questions or concerns, contact Debralyn Woodberry-Shaw, MSW, LSW at eliecircle@gmail.com.