August 28, 2023 Resources for September Observances Various organizations, states, and nations recognize a number of observances each month. Resources help parents, caregivers, and child care professionals acknowledge and navigate them. Here is a list of resources for September observances: Month-Long Observances Attendance Awareness Month Attendance Awareness Campaign 2023, Attendance Works Key Research: Why Attendance Matters for Achievement and How Interventions Can Help, Attendance Works Baby Safety Month (BSM) Organizations Publish New Child Safety and Development Resources for Families and Educators, Trying Together Safety and Emergencies: Family Resources, Trying Together Directory for Emergency and Safety Services, Trying Together Recalls on Children’s Products, Trying Together Baby Safety Month Safety Tips, Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) 5 Tips for New Parents During Baby Safety Month, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month What is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month?, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Free Resources from the American Childhood Cancer Organization, American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) Are There Disparities in Childhood Cancer?, New York State Department of Health Childhood Cancers, NIH National Cancer Institute Facts About Childhood Cancer, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Participate in a 2023 September Childhood Cancer Awareness Event, Children’s Cancer Cause National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month Supporting Childhood Physical Health: A Guide for Families: The Importance of Exercise, Trying Together Parents and Caregivers Can Help Prevent Obesity and Support Healthy Growth, U.S. Department of Agriculture TOOLKIT: National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Preventing Childhood Obesity: 4 Things Families Can Do, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Help Your Child Stay at a Healthy Weight, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Newborn Screening Awareness Month Newborn Screening Portal, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) What is Newborn Screening?, Baby’s First Test Newborn Screening Tests for Your Baby, March of Dimes (MoD) About Newborn Screening, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Weeks of Recognition September 17 – 23 was Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week Car Seat Safety for Children, Trying Together Car Seats and Booster Seats Overview, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Safe Kids Worldwide Car Seat Guide Videos, Safe Kids Worldwide Boost Your Child Passenger Safety Knowledge and Skills Trainings, National Child Passenger Safety Board All Children are Pedestrians! Prevention Tips and Recent Statistics, Children’s Safety Network at Education Development Center Days of Recognition September 6 was National Read a Book Day Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Releases 2023 Best Books for Babies List, Trying Together Toolkit: Families and Schools Partnering for Children’s Literacy Success, Trying Together Children’s Books on Race and Equity, Trying Together Books to Celebrate Gender Expression, Inclusion, and Pride, Trying Together Children’s Books About Transitions, Trying Together Children’s Books About Mental Health, Trying Together September 26 was National Family Day Family Engagement Toolkit, Trying Together Family Guide: Family Dynamics, Trying Together Strategies to Support Social-Emotional Development: A Guide for Families, Trying Together Family Transitions and Routines: Resources, Trying Together Trying Together Releases Family Resources in Spanish, Trying Together Grandfamily Tip Sheets Provide Information on Self-Care and Youth Mental Health, Trying Together Navigating Sibling Relationships, Psychology Today Foster and Adoptive Families: Supportive Strategies, PennState Better Kid Care Blended Family and Step-Parenting Tips, Keeping in Touch With Family Can Help Keep You Healthy, Healthy Communication in Stepfamilies, National Stepfamily Resource Center (NRSC) Get to Know Your Stepkids, National Stepfamily Resource Center (NRSC)
January 4, 2019 Coats and Car Seats: Keeping Your Child Warm Winter means keeping kids warm, but did you know that babies and young children should NOT wear puffy coats or snowsuits when in their car seat? What Happens? As demonstrated by the video below, coats or snowsuits can compress under the harness of a car seat, sometimes up to four inches. When this happens, the compression can cause the straps of your child’s car seat to not fit properly, creating a dangerous situation. This situation can also happen with sleeping bags for babies, creating an unsafe ride for your baby. Recommendations If you’re looking for ways to keep your baby or young child warm while in a car seat, consider incorporating the following recommendations: Dress your baby or young child in snug layers, like onesies and leggings. Add long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, a hat, shoes, and socks. You can even include a jacket. For babies, use covers specifically for car seats that are designed to give warmth. These covers should be approved by the car-seat manufacturer for your specific car seat. For older babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners, after securing them in the car seat, turn their coat around and put it on backward (arms through the armholes) so the coat is on top of the harness, or use a blanket in the car. *Information provided by the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL)