December 10, 2020 Infants and Toddlers Face Racism Too Are you interested in gaining new insight into how racism shapes our lives from our earliest days? Join ZERO TO THREE on December 17 for their online event, “Continuing the Dialogue: Infants and Toddlers Face Racism Too.” About During this event, presenters will share excerpts from the session “Infants and Toddlers Face Racism Too: Science, Practice, and Policy.” Session participants will hear how racism affects America’s youngest residents, discuss this topic together, and learn about strategies and resources that can help address racism and advance equity in early childhood systems, services, and programs. Registration To register, visit the event registration page.
October 30, 2020 Recess Advocacy Team Community Conversation Are you interested in joining fellow advocates to discuss the important roles play and physical activity have in children’s lives? Join the Recess Advocacy Team on November 17 for a Virtual Community Conversation. About The freedom to play improves children’s social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills. Children make sense of what’s happening in the world around them through play, and it impacts their mental health and wellbeing. The Recess Advocacy Team is convening a virtual space for educators, families, and community members to discuss play and physical activity while balancing health, safety, and remote learning in the time of COVID-19. We must ensure children have opportunities to safely experience play and physical activity. This virtual community conversation is for play advocates to come together to discuss successes, challenges, and share strategies to elevate play. Registration Sessions will be held virtually via Zoom. Please register to receive more information about accessing the sessions. Lunch & Learn November 17, 2020 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | Register Dinner & Dialogue November 17, 2020 | 6 – 7 p.m. | Register More Information For more information about the Recess Advocacy Team and to subscribe to their newsletter, visit the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative website. Please share this flyer with your networks.
October 28, 2020 Listen to Black Women: What’s it like to be a Black Woman in Pittsburgh? Are you a Black woman in Pittsburgh who is interested in sharing your experiences with other Black women in Pittsburgh? Join the Black Women’s Policy Agenda on November 14 for “Listen to Black Women: What’s it like to be a Black Woman in Pittsburgh?” About Fixing Pittsburgh’s problems starts with listening to Black women! That’s why the Black Women’s Policy Agenda has launched a survey and is facilitating a series of community conversations where Black women share their experiences with other Black women. This event is designed to elevate the voices and experiences of Black women in Pittsburgh. It’s the first step to building collective power among Black women, advocating for the needs of Black women, and advancing policy to achieve racial and gender justice in this region. Take the Survey The Black Women’s Policy Agenda is conducting a survey to hear from 250 women in the Pittsburgh region to discover how they are dealing with the double crisis of COVID-19, anti-Black violence, and being a Black woman overall. To complete the survey, visit the Black Women’s Policy Agenda website. Registration To register, visit the event webpage. Participants will receive a $25 gift card. Share this flyer with your network.
September 21, 2020 Transitions and How Using Them Helps Are you interested in learning about strategies that help make transitions easier for children, families, and educators? Join Trying Together on October 14 for our online session, “Connections and Conversations: Transitions and How Using Them Helps.” About Connections and Conversations Virtual Check-Ins are interactive sessions that highlight topics of interest to the field of early childhood education. Participants engage in virtual discussions with child development experts and interact with early learning practitioners to share questions, experiences, and expertise about the highlighted topic. Sessions offer one hour of PQAS credit. Act 48 credit not provided. This session will highlight best practices that help make transitions easier for children, families, and educators. The course instructor will share strategies and suggestions and provide opportunities to analyze scenarios and share expertise. Session Details Session Date: Wednesday, October 14 | 6 – 7 p.m. Instructor: Jasmine Davis CKC: Curriculum and Learning Experiences CDA Subject Area: Social & Emotional Development Registration Deadline: Monday, October 12 Registration To register, visit the course PD Registry page. Space is limited. Participants will receive the course Zoom link via email within 24 hours before the start date for the course. PQAS credit available. If you do not have a PD Registry account, please complete this online form to create one. If you are unable to create an account, please contact Jasmine Davis at for more information. Session Rules and Guidelines These virtual discussions are designed to provide educators the opportunity to grow professionally and share knowledge on early childhood topics. During the meeting, participants should follow the guidelines below to ensure a successful virtual meeting for all participants. Please allow all participants a chance to speak. Listen respectfully and actively. Commit to learning about each other, not to debating the topic. Embrace differences of opinion as healthy and support each person’s authentic self-expression. Participants will be muted for the beginning portion of the session. Participants may use the “Raise Hand” feature in Zoom to request an opportunity to comment or ask a question. Individuals will be temporarily unmuted by the moderator. Participants may type a comment or question in the Chat or may send comments or questions directly to the moderator for them to share. To receive PQAS credit, you must complete an evaluation at the end of the session and include your PD Registry number. Have fun, make connections, and engage in the conversations! More Information For questions or more information, contact Jasmine Davis at
State Office Candidate Conversation: Child Care In Allegheny County, 48 percent of eligible children do not have access to publicly funded pre-k programs and 67 percent of Child Care Works subsidy-eligible children under age five remain unserved. Before you vote on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, find out what your candidates think about early childhood education. Registration Join the Children Matter Action Fund on September 23 for an online conversation about child care with Allegheny County candidates for state office in House Districts 28, 30, 44, and 45! To register, visit the event webpage. Unable to attend? Check out each candidate’s views on the Children Matter Action Fund website.
June 29, 2020 Coffee with the Community featuring Cara Ciminillo Are you interested in learning more about Trying Together’s mission and work? Join The Salon on Thursday, July 2 for their event “Coffee Conversation with Cara Ciminillo of Trying Together” to hear from Trying Together Executive Director Cara Ciminillo! About Coffee with the Community Coffee with the Community is The Salon‘s way to engage with leading community organizations, gain insight into their causes and the populations they are serving, and find ways to provide support to their efforts. For those attending the conversation, event hosts ask that you consider making a donation to the featured organization if you are able. To learn more, visit their website. Registration To register and learn more, visit the event webpage.
June 22, 2020 Everyday Interactions Matter: Noticing the Simple and Ordinary Are you interested in learning how to maintain essential interactions with young children during this difficult time of masks and physical distancing? Join Trying Together on July 8 for our free online session, “Everyday Interactions Matter: Noticing the Simple and Ordinary.” About The primary ingredient of early childhood quality begins with the “everyday interactions” between educators and children. These simple and ordinary interactions that take place during play, transition, and daily routines form the very foundation of learning and growing. How can educators uphold these essential interactions with children during this challenging time of masks and physical distancing? Early learning professionals are invited to join Trying Together on July 8 at for our online module “Everyday Interactions Matter: Noticing the Simple and Ordinary” to engage with the Everyday Interactions Matter approach through a process of careful observation, discussion, and self-reflection. As a part of the “Connections and Conversations: Virtual Check-Ins” series, this session will encourage educators to recognize powerful moments of connecting, sharing, growing, and belonging in their everyday interactions with young children. Learning Objectives Observe video footage of children and their caregivers in authentic settings and describe positive interactions. Recognize moments of connecting, sharing, growing, and belonging in everyday moments in the early childhood setting. Registration To register, visit the event webpage. Registrations must be submitted by July 6, 2020. Space is limited. Participants will receive the course Zoom link via email within 24 hours before the start date for the course. For questions, contact Rosie Hogan at or Sarah Grubb at Virtual Series Overview Connections and Conversations: Virtual Check-Ins are interactive sessions that highlight topics of interest to the field of early childhood education. Participants will engage in virtual discussions via Zoom with child development experts while interacting with early learning practitioners to share questions, experiences, and expertise about the highlighted topic. Sessions will be offered biweekly and will offer one hour of PQAS credit. Act 48 credit will not be offered. Session Rules and Guidelines These virtual discussions are designed to provide educators the opportunity to grow professionally and share knowledge on early childhood topics. During the meeting, participants should follow the guidelines below to ensure a successful virtual meeting for all participants. Please allow all participants a chance to speak. Listen respectfully and actively. Commit to learning about each other, not to debating the topic. Embrace differences of opinion as healthy and support each person’s authentic self-expression. Participants will be muted for the beginning portion of the session. Participants may use the “Raise Hand” feature in Zoom to request an opportunity to comment or ask a question. Individuals will be temporarily unmuted by the moderator. Participants may type a comment or question in the Chat or may send comments or questions directly to the moderator for them to share. To receive PQAS credit, you must complete an evaluation at the end of the session and include your PD Registry number. Have fun, make connections, and engage in the conversations! More Information For questions or more information, please contact Rosie Hogan at
June 17, 2020 Parenting in Support of Black Lives | Webinar Are you interested in hearing practical, how-to advice for talking about race and inspiring kids to fight for racial equity? Join Common Sense and the Inforum of the Commonwealth Club on June 18 for their webinar, “Parenting in Support of Black Lives: How to Build a Just Future for Kids (and How Media Can Help).” About Through 400 years of systemic oppression and racism, our nation has failed to protect and value Black children and families. How do we support a future where all children are valued? And when we’re parenting amid crisis and trauma, how can we find support for ourselves and our kids? This conversation will center on these important questions and provide practical, how-to advice for talking about race and inspiring kids to fight for racial equity. The event will feature Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, leading scholar on race in America, in conversation with child psychologist Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smith, moderated by Julie Lythcott-Haims, New York Times bestselling author and activist. Registration To register and learn more, visit Common Sense Media’s website. This event will be recorded and will be available on the Conversations with Common Sense YouTube page.
May 27, 2020 Connecting with Families Through the Child’s Behavior Are you interested in learning how to use a child’s behavior to open up communication with the family? Join Brazelton Touchpoints Center on June 1 for their course, “The Power of Observation: Connecting with Families Through the Child’s Behavior.” About When providers share with families specific details of what they notice about their children—such as their interests or temperament—they open the door to connecting. In this webinar, participants will learn specific steps for using the child’s behavior to open up communication with the family. Participants will learn about family engagement strategies for Connecting with Families through the Child’s Behavior that can immediately apply to their work. Registration To access the course and learn more, visit the Brazelton Touchpoints Center website. *Information provided by Brazelton Touchpoints Center