
July 16, 2020

COVID-19 Supplies Distribution Event for Child Care Providers


Trying Together, Global Links, and Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) Region 5 are partnering to ensure that 650 licensed child care operators in Allegheny County are fully equipped with the protective and cleaning supplies they need to maintain a safe, clean, and healthy environment for children and employees.

All licensed child care providers in Allegheny County are eligible to receive cleaning supplies and safety equipment. Providers must have their tax identification (EIN) numbers read for staff at the distribution site.

What’s Included

Child care operators are invited to visit a distribution location to receive:

    • an infrared, no-touch thermometer;
    • gloves for diaper changes and cleaning;
    • hand sanitizer;
    • disinfectant;
    • reusable cloth masks;
    • reusable clear plastic face shield; and
    • one case of tissues.

Available Dates and Locations

See a map of each distribution location.


To ensure enough supplies are available, please register for the date and location of your choice via the PPE Supply Pickup Form. Each provider must sign up separately. Providers with multiple locations should sign up for each program, specifying the program name on each form.

More Information

The purchase and distribution of supplies are made possible through the generous support of local foundations. For more information, call 412.350.3577 or visit


COVID-19 Supplies Distribution Event for Child Care Providers


Trying Together, Global Links, and Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) Region 5 are partnering to ensure that 650 licensed child care operators in Allegheny County are fully equipped with the protective and cleaning supplies they need to maintain a safe, clean, and healthy environment for children and employees.

All licensed child care providers in Allegheny County are eligible to receive cleaning supplies and safety equipment. Providers must have their tax identification (EIN) numbers read for staff at the distribution site.

What’s Included

Child care operators are invited to visit a distribution location to receive:

    • an infrared, no-touch thermometer;
    • gloves for diaper changes and cleaning;
    • hand sanitizer;
    • disinfectant;
    • reusable cloth masks;
    • reusable clear plastic face shield; and
    • one case of tissues.

Available Dates and Locations

See a map of each distribution location.


To ensure enough supplies are available, please register for the date and location of your choice via the PPE Supply Pickup Form. Each provider must sign up separately. Providers with multiple locations should sign up for each program, specifying the program name on each form.

More Information

The purchase and distribution of supplies are made possible through the generous support of local foundations. For more information, call 412.350.3577 or visit


COVID-19 Supplies Distribution Event for Child Care Providers


Trying Together, Global Links, and Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) Region 5 are partnering to ensure that 650 licensed child care operators in Allegheny County are fully equipped with the protective and cleaning supplies they need to maintain a safe, clean, and healthy environment for children and employees.

All licensed child care providers in Allegheny County are eligible to receive cleaning supplies and safety equipment. Providers must have their tax identification (EIN) numbers read for staff at the distribution site.

What’s Included

Child care operators are invited to visit a distribution location to receive:

    • an infrared, no-touch thermometer;
    • gloves for diaper changes and cleaning;
    • hand sanitizer;
    • disinfectant;
    • reusable cloth masks;
    • reusable clear plastic face shield; and
    • one case of tissues.

Available Dates and Locations

See a map of each distribution location.


To ensure enough supplies are available, please register for the date and location of your choice via the PPE Supply Pickup Form. Each provider must sign up separately. Providers with multiple locations should sign up for each program, specifying the program name on each form.

More Information

The purchase and distribution of supplies are made possible through the generous support of local foundations. For more information, call 412.350.3577 or visit


July 10, 2020

COVID-19: Updated Guidance for Child Care Programs

To maintain the health and safety of their staff and the families they serve, all child care facilities and programs that continue to remain open or that are preparing to reopen in Pennsylvania should follow the guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH). With this, programs are highly encouraged to implement additional health and safety procedures as soon as possible.


The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) released a revised announcement that outlines recommended steps child care providers can take to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. This guidance was developed based on recommendations from the CDC and the DOH and is subject to change. To access the full list of recommendations, read Announcement: C-20-06 Revised: Interim Guidance for Certified Child Care Facilities operating during the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic.

Additionally, in Announcement C-20-08: COVID-19 Operations for Licensed Child Care, OCDEL issued clarification regarding health and safety compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic to licensed child care providers and child care certification representatives employed by the Department of Human Service (DHS).

For examples of required and recommended policies and procedures, continue reading below.

Required Procedures

Announcement C-20-08: COVID-19 Operations for Licensed Child Care states that child care providers are required to do the following:

    • Child care staff must wear face coverings indoors; they must also wear face coverings outside where staff are unable to maintain a six-foot distance from others unless a medical reason prevents the staff from wearing a face covering. This includes anyone who has trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the face covering without assistance.
    • Child care programs must have a written health and safety plan that aligns with CDC guidance to minimize the risks of COVID-19. The safety plan must be communicated to staff and enrolled families. At a minimum, the safety plan must address screening procedures; child drop-off and pick-up policies; sick policies; mask policies; and cleaning and sanitation procedures. Providers can see the “Child Care Facility COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan Template” for developing a health and safety plan.
    • Child care programs must adhere to the reporting of suspected or confirmed cases of enrolled children or staff with COVID-19 and complying with follow-up guidance pertaining to remediation, quarantine, and directive for temporary closure to address additional cleaning and sanitation.

Effective July 17, 2020, child care certification representatives will cite child care programs operating out of compliance with the previously described Critical Elements derived from CDC guidance. Child care programs failing to comply with acceptable plans of correction may be subject to further action that impacts the child care programs’ Certificate of Compliance, ability to continue to operate, and eligibility for distributions of supplemental financial supports.

For more information, view the full announcement or FAQ document.

Drop-Off and Arrival Procedures

Child care programs are strongly recommended to:

    • greet children outside as they arrive;
    • stagger arrival and drop-off times and plan to limit direct contact with parents as much as possible;
    • post signage in drop-off and arrival areas to remind staff and children to keep six feet of distance whenever feasible; and
    • set up hand hygiene stations at the entrance of the facility so children, families, and staff can clean their hands before they enter.
Screening Procedures

The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to prevent it from getting inside the facility. Child care providers should:

    • conduct a daily health screening of any person entering the building, including children, staff, family members, and other visitors to identify symptoms, diagnosis, or exposure to COVID-19 (any person with a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or above, or other signs of illness, should not be admitted into the facility);
    • not allow staff and children to enter the child care facility if they have tested positive for COVID-19, are showing symptoms, or have had potential exposure to a person with COVID-19; and
    • immediately isolate a child or staff member that starts to display symptoms and send them (and any family members) home as soon as possible.
Routine Disinfecting and Sanitation

To reduce the spread of COVID-19 in their program, child care providers should:

    • post signs in highly visible locations that promote everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of COVID-19 (washing hands, wearing masks, disinfecting, etc.);
    • develop a schedule for cleaning and disinfecting;
    • routinely clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched (toys, games, tables, toilet training potties, chairs, nap pads, etc.); and
    • keep all cleaning materials secure and out of reach of children.
Bedding and Toys

Child care providers should:

    • not use toys and bedding that cannot be washed, cleaned, and sanitized;
    • not share toys with other groups of infants and toddlers unless they have been properly washed and sanitized before being moved from one group to the other;
    • set toys that need to be cleaned aside and out of children’s reach;
    • keep each child’s bedding separate and stored in individually labeled bins, cubbies, or bags; and
    • clean bedding that touches a child’s skin weekly or before use by another child.
Face Masks

Child care staff are required to wear cloth face coverings. Children two years old and older are required to wear a face covering unless the child fits one of the exceptions included in Section 3 of the Order of the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health Order for Universal Face Coverings.

    • If a child is outdoors and is able to consistently maintain a social distance of at least six feet from others who are not a part of their household, they do not need to wear a mask.
    • If a parent, guardian, or responsible person has been unable to place a face covering safely on a child’s face, they should not do so.
    • If a child two years old or older is unable to remove a face covering without assistance, the child is not required to wear one.
Social Distancing

If possible, child care providers should:

    • limit individual classes to the same group of children and same child care providers each day;
    • consider creating a separate classroom or group for the children of healthcare workers or other first responders;
    • limit the mixing of children, such as staggering playground times and keeping groups separate during special activities; and
    • maintain space between each child’s naptime mat or crib (ideally six feet or more) and place children head to toe during naptime to reduce potential virus spread.

More Information

For additional information, including information on what to do if a person at your facility tests positive for COVID-19 or is exposed to someone with COVID-19, view the full guidance from OCDEL.

To stay up-to-date on the most recent COVID-19 information, visit the Department of Health or Centers for Disease Prevention and Control websites.


July 1, 2020

Grants Available for Small Businesses in Pennsylvania

The COVID-19 Relief Pennsylvania Statewide Small Business Assistance program will provide grants ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 to small businesses that have been economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


To be eligible for this program, a business must:

    • be physically located, certified to do business, and generate at least 51 percent of their revenues in Pennsylvania;
    • have annual revenue of $1 million or less prior to the impact of COVID-19;
    • have 25 or fewer full-time equivalent employees prior to February 15, 2020; and
    • have been in operation as of February 15, 2020.
    • Eligible businesses may be structured as C-corporations, S-corporations, limited liability corporations, sole proprietors, independent contractors, or self-employed individuals.

Visit the Bridgeway Capital website to view what makes an entity ineligible to apply.

Application Period

The first application window for the COVID-19 Relief Pennsylvania Statewide Small Business Assistance program is now open until 11:59 p.m. on July 14, 2020. This is not a first-come, first-served program. There will be multiple rounds of application windows. The application window will remain open for 10 business days. Additional application windows will be announced soon.

Eligible small businesses can begin applying online.

Bridgeway Capital is a participating CDFI and will support small businesses in western Pennsylvania to access the grant funds. An application toolkit, including information about eligibility, priorities, and required documents, can be found on their website.

More Information

For more information, visit the Bridgeway Capital website. For questions and technical support, contact or 866-897-9336.


June 30, 2020

National Family Child Care Conference

Are you interested in celebrating and exploring the field of family child care? Join the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) on July 17 and 18 for the 30th National Family Child Care Conference!


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NAFCC will host its annual National Family Child Care Conference virtually on the evening of Friday, July 17 and all day on Saturday, July 18. The conference will feature:

    • live and on-demand workshops,
    • an opportunity to earn up to 24 hours (or 2.4 continuing education units) of training credit,
    • a Spanish track with four live sessions presented in Spanish,
    • a Black and Latina caucus where participants can discuss the things that are important to them, and
    • a virtual exhibit hall where participants can view vendors without leaving their homes.

Featured Topics

Live and on-demand workshops will cover a variety of topics, including, but not limited to, the following:

    • record-keeping and tax implications of COVID-19,
    • organizing a sustainable daily routine that supports health and wellbeing,
    • how to make your home a place of inquiry, play, and experimentation,
    • strategies for creating an environment that promotes a variety of social-emotional skills,
    • finding out and improving your business’ profit margin, and
    • recognizing early signs of mental illness in young children.

View the schedule and full workshop descriptions.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage. For questions, submit NAFCC’s online contact form.


June 18, 2020

In-Person Operations to Resume July 6

Office Reopening

On July 6, Trying Together will reopen its physical office spaces to the public by appointment at the following location:

ELRC Region 5

Out of an abundance of caution with the rising COVID-19 cases in Allegheny County, ELRC Region 5 and its satellite offices will remain closed to the public for in-person services. Staff will continue to provide high-quality customer service via phone and video conferencing. Additional details about resuming in-person operations will be announced on Monday, August 3.

Operations During COVID-19

Staff will be required to follow guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including wearing a mask while walking through or working in communal spaces, socially distancing themselves from others by at least six feet at all times, sanitizing their workspaces regularly, and maintaining proper handwashing and sanitizing. Locations and departments may have limited in-office staff as some employees continue to telework.

Trying Together staff are still accessible via phone or email as they continue to work remotely. After July 6, appointments are required for families and professionals interested in accessing services and support at Trying Together’s physical locations. In-person operations will continue to be dependent on recommendations provided by Governor Wolf and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Trying Together will continue to monitor these recommendations as well as the reopening status of Allegheny County. For questions about our operations, please email

More Information

For more information about COVID-19 and prevention tips, visit our COVID-19 page. For questions related to COVID-19, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s website or call 1.877.PA.HEALTH (1.877.724.3258). See the ELRC Region 5 news post for essential updates for early educators and families in Allegheny County in response to COVID-19. 


June 4, 2020

Executive Level Roundtable Series

Join APOST, Connections 4 Success, and Davis & Associates from June to August 2020 for a six-part Executive Roundtable Series.


The Executive Roundtable Series features next-steps and best practices to respond appropriately to recent industry disruptions due to COVID-19. The primary focus is to engage in meaningful dialog and share tips that help executive leaders to adapt and modify their business operations to recover and progress their organizations from survival to recovery to growth.

Available Sessions

More Information

For more information, please contact APOST at 412.456.6876.

Share this flyer with your network. 


Questions for Your Early Learning Provider During COVID-19

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, early learning programs across Pennsylvania are adding new operating procedures (as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)) to maintain the health and safety of their staff and the families they serve. To help parents and caregivers better understand these changes, Trying Together developed a Family Checklist that features questions families can ask their early learning providers.

Access the Checklist

The Family Checklist features fifteen questions caregivers can ask, including questions on how programs plan to communicate with families, meet the developmental needs of children, implement health screenings, and more. To see the full list of questions, view the Family Checklist: Questions for Your Early Learning Provider During COVID-19. [En Español]

Additional Resources

In addition to the Family Checklist, Trying Together developed the following news posts to answer common questions and highlight resources for families, caregivers, and early learning professionals:

More Information

For more information about COVID-19 and to view current case counts in Pennsylvania, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Health website. To view current guidance for child care programs that remain open, please visit the CDC website.


June 2, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

As of June 9, 2020 at 12 p.m., the Pennsylvania Department of Health has stated that there are 76,436 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Commonwealth, including 2,027 positive cases in Allegheny County. For a full breakdown of affected counties, visit

While positive cases have been confirmed, it’s important for community members to remain calm and take precautionary measures to reduce your likelihood of infection.

COVID-19 Resources

To best support these community members and the young children in their lives, Trying Together has created two resource lists, featuring helpful resources that families and educators can use to maneuver this difficult time. Click the links below for more COVID-19 information.

Guidance for Pennsylvanians

As of June 5, there are 33 counties in the yellow phase and 34 counties in the green phase of reopening. On Friday, June 12 at 12:01 a.m., 12 counties currently in the yellow phase will be moving into the green phase. For information about work, congregate setting, and social restrictions, please review Governor Wolf’s Process to Reopen Pennsylvania.

Counties in the Green Phase

Counties in the green phase of reopening include the following: Allegheny, Armstrong, Bedford, Blair, Bradford, Butler, Cambria, Cameron, Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Crawford, Elk, Fayette, Forest, Fulton, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Lawrence, Lycoming, McKean, Mercer, Montour, Potter, Snyder, Somerset, Sullivan, Tioga, Venango, Warren, Washington, and Westmoreland.

Counties in the Yellow Phase

Counties in the yellow phase of reopening include the following: Adams, Beaver, Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Erie, Franklin, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lackawanna, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzerne, Mifflin, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Northumberland, Perry, Philadelphia, Pike, Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Union, Wayne, Wyoming, and York.

What is COVID-19?

According to the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD), “COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new coronavirus not previously seen in humans.” While this strain of coronavirus is new, coronaviruses are actually a large family of viruses, some causing illness in people and others circulating among animals, including camels, cats, and bats. While it is rare for animal coronaviruses to infect people who are exposed to infected animals, it has happened in the past as seen with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).


As COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, common symptoms of infection include fever, dry cough, tiredness, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing. However, WHO states that some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, and diarrhea. After being infected with COVID-19, individuals generally display mild symptoms that begin gradually, but some people who become infected may not develop any symptoms at all and may feel healthy.

80 percent of the individuals who become infected recover from the disease without needing special treatment. However, one out of every six people who get COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. Elderly individuals, immunocompromised individuals, and individuals with underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney diseases, hepatitis B, and cancer are particularly at risk of developing serious illness if infected with COVID-19. Because of this, it’s important to limit possible contamination and reduce the spread of the virus.

Currently, there are no vaccines or medications approved to prevent or treat COVID-19 and reported illnesses have ranged from mild to severe cases, including illness resulting in death. However, possible vaccines and drug treatments are currently being investigated through clinical trials.

How It Spreads

COVID-19 spreads through person-to-person contact (within about six feet) or by touching your mouth, nose, or eyes after coming into contact with surfaces that have been contaminated with respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. WHO states that “studies suggest that coronaviruses (including preliminary information on the COVID-19 virus) may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days.”

The risk of getting infected by COVID-19 depends on where you are and if there is an outbreak currently happening in that area. Individuals living in or visiting cities or areas that are experiencing an outbreak have a higher risk of becoming infected. There is a higher risk of infection and serious complications for elderly individuals, immunocompromised individuals, and individuals with underlying medical conditions. With this, WHO states that it’s important to “comply with any local restrictions on travel, movement, or large gatherings” and to cooperate with disease control efforts to reduce your risk and potential spread.

How to Protect Yourself and Others

Currently, the most effective ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19 to protect both yourself and others against infection are to:

    • avoid touching your face, nose, and mouth;
    • if water and soap are not available, sanitize your hands regularly with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol;
    • clean and disinfect commonly used items and frequently touched surfaces such as the items listed above with household cleaners and EPA-registered disinfectants that are appropriate for the surface, following the label directions appropriately;
    • practice social distancing from others, especially avoiding individuals who are exhibiting symptoms, coughing, or sneezing;
    • wear a face mask when shopping at essential businesses, visiting your health care provider, on public transportation, interacting with others at essential business, and when feeling sick, coughing, or sneezing; and
    • comply with any local restrictions and recommendations on travel, movement, or large gatherings.

Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for more information on how to properly clean and disinfect the areas around you. While this resource is primarily intended for individuals and households with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, hygienic practices can help reduce the spread of the virus. Watch this video for proper handwashing techniques.

Resource for At-Risk Individuals

The CDC also has a resource highlighting precautions and preparation tips for individuals at risk of developing serious complications from COVID-19, such as elderly individuals, immunosuppressed individuals, and individuals with underlying medical conditions. Visit the CDC website to learn more. 

What to Do After Infection

If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath, please stay at home and contact your primary care provider to determine if you need to be tested for COVID-19. If you are in Allegheny County, do not have a primary care provider, and are not sure if you need to be tested, please contact the Allegheny Health Department at 412.687.2243. If you need to seek immediate medical care, please call 911 or phone ahead before going to a doctor’s office or emergency department to ensure staff at these locations have time to prepare for your arrival.

If an infection is confirmed, health care professionals will assess whether the infected individual needs to be hospitalized or if they can be cared for at home in mandatory quarantine. If isolated at home, infected individuals will be monitored by staff from their local or state health department.

Until a healthcare provider says that you or the infected person can return to their normal activities, the CDC states that infected and potentially infected individuals should follow the following preventive measures:

    • stay at home except to get medical care (do not go to school, work, or public areas and avoid using public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxi services);
    • separate yourself from other people and animals in your home as much as possible, if possible;
    • if you must care for others or your pet while sick, wash your hands before and after you interact with them and wear a face mask;
    • call ahead before visiting your doctor, as they need to take steps to prepare to reduce spread and exposure;
    • wear a face mask when you are around other people and animals; and
    • cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow, followed immediately by washing your hands with soap and water or sanitizing with an alcohol-based sanitizer.

For a full list of COVID-19 resources, preventative measures, and precautions, visit the CDC website.

More Information

For more information about COVID-19, visit the Allegheny County Health Department, World Health Organization (WHO), or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention websites.

*Information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, and Allegheny County Health Department