
September 23, 2024

APOST to Offer Mini Grants for Lights On Afterschool’s 25th Annual Event

As part of its celebration of 25 years of Lights on Afterschool (LOA), Allegheny Partners for Out-of-School Time will offer a mini-grant to go toward implementing an event or project that celebrates LOA.

Learn More

Lights On Afterschool will hold its 25th annual nationwide event on Oct. 24 to celebrate after school programs and their role in the lives of children, families, and communities. The Afterschool Alliance organizes LOA events to draw attention to the ways that after school programs support students by offering them opportunities to learn new things and discover new skills.

To support out-of-school time programs in Allegheny County, APOST is providing mini-grant funds to implement an event or project in celebration of Lights On Afterschool. 

Those who are chosen for mini grants will:

  • Receive $500 to implement a Lights On Afterschool-inspired event or project
  • Receive assistance from APOST staff, who will attend events or participate in projects where possible
  • Have their projects/events listed on APOST’s website and communications
  • Have a chance for their projects/events to be spotlighted in future APOST materials

Those interested should apply for the mini-grant by Monday, Oct. 7. Be sure to read all the requirements for submission.

Award notification will be within seven business days of submitting your application. Award distribution will be within 14 days.

For more information on this year’s LOA event, visit Lights On Afterschool’s website.


July 7, 2023

PA DHS Accepting Applications for Children’s Trust Fund Grants

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) is accepting applications for the Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) grants to promote primary and secondary child abuse and neglect prevention programs in community-based settings in order to address child and family well-being and prevent abuse and neglect of children in the Commonwealth. The maximum CTF grant award is $50,000 per year.

About the Children’s Trust Fund Grants

The mission of the Pennsylvania Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) is to prevent child abuse and neglect in Pennsylvania. To do this, the CTF Board of Directors funds community-based primary and secondary prevention programs that support families.

The CTF was established in December 1988 by Act 1988-151. It operates under the administration of the CTF Board and is supported by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), a dual deputate of the Department of Human Services (DHS) the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).

Funds for the CTF are generated from a $10 surcharge on all applications for marriage licenses and divorce complaints. These surcharges are paid into a special non-lapsing fund. Interest, donations and federal funds also contribute to the CTF.

The CTF is dedicated to funding community-based programs to prevent child abuse and neglect. Since its inception, the CTF has invested more than $37 million through 295 grants. See the list of current grantees.

The CTF also supports the work of the Pennsylvania Strengthening Families Leadership Team.

How to Apply

Application details and forms are available at the eMarketPlace website.

Each Applicant must submit one complete copy of the Submittal via email to The subject line of the email must indicate “RFA 13-23 Application”. Applications are due by 10 a.m. on July 31, 2023. Please refer to the eMarketplace listing for any changes regarding the deadline.

Organizations can view the bid online. Awarded contracts are posted to eMarketplace after they become fully executed.


If you have a question, send an email to Robin Lease at RAPWRFAQUESTIONS@PA.GOV. All emails should include the subject line “RFA #13-23 Question” and must be submitted by July 14, 2023 at 10 a.m. Written answers will be posted on the eMarketPlace website on July 21, 2023.


June 21, 2023

Soon-to-End Grant Opportunity Helps Eligible Families Pay for Critical Home Repairs

Action Housing Inc. is providing funds for low-income homeowners in Allegheny County to make whole-home repairs to severely damaged households through the federal Whole-Home Repairs Program.

Homeowners could receive up to $50,000 in funds to fix critical issues that pose safety issues to residents, like damage to the roof, windows, or foundation of a home. Money is also available to make modifications for someone managing a disability.

However, funds are limited* and based on need. Action Housing can likely only award 150-250 applicants grants. Still, families awarded grants will not need to repay the funds.

The deadline to apply is 4 p.m. on Friday, June 30. No applications will be accepted after this time.

*Disclaimer: Due to limited funding, Action Housing Inc. must prioritize homes with the worst damage. However, the application process will re-open for another 30-day period in mid to late fall. The exact time of this second application period will be announced at a later time.

About the Whole-Home Repairs Program

Who can apply? Who is eligible for a whole-home grant?

To qualify, an applicant must:

  • own and live in a house needing repairs in Allegheny County.
  • be living in a home with significant habitability issues like roof damage, unsafe electric wiring, or accessibility concerns.
  • have a total income that doesn’t exceed 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) for Allegheny County. Please refer to the AMI chart to find AMI data.

How does the application process work?

  1. Apply online on the Allegheny County Whole-Home Repair Program website.
  2. If you are eligible and selected for a home inspection, someone from the Whole-Home Repairs Program will contact you to schedule it.
  3. A Whole-Home Repairs inspector will visit your home to determine if the repairs qualify for funding.
  4. If the inspector approves the repairs, Action Housing will connect you with a contractor certified by the Whole-Home Repairs Program to do the work.

How will applicants be notified?

If you apply online, you’ll get an email about your eligibility for the program. People submitting paper applications will be notified via U.S. mail.

How long does this process take?

Action Housing Inc. will work as quickly as possible to schedule inspections and start construction. Still, they can’t commit to a timeline. Many collaborate to finish this work, so estimating schedules and weather dependencies is challenging. The whole process could take anywhere from a few months to a year.

Additional Information & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will I have to pay for anything?

You have no cost if your application is eligible and repairs are approved.

I do not have a Social Security number. Can I still apply?

Absolutely! A Social Security number is requested in the application but is optional.

Is citizenship required for this program?

No, citizenship status is not a factor.

I know someone who wants to apply, but English isn’t their native language.

Call ACTION-Housing at 412-248-0021, and Action Housing Inc. will get a translator to meet with you in person or complete an application over the phone.

I, or someone I know, have a physical or mental impairment that makes applying challenging.

Call ACTION-Housing at 412-248-0021 to talk about accommodating your needs.

I already applied for Whole-Home Repairs funding during the pilot phase of this program. When will someone contact me?

Action Housing Inc. received your application, but it’s taking some time to work through the volume of applications they received. Someone will contact you if they need more information to decide or to schedule a home inspection.

How is Action Housing Inc. determining who gets selected?

One of the requirements outlined in the passed state bill to fund Whole-Home Repairs is that Action Housing prioritize funding for certain groups of people. They are using data to help determine how to do this best. Because funding is limited, Action Housing is prioritizing neighborhoods not invested in historically.


To find a full list of FAQs, visit the Action Housing Inc. website.


If you meet the eligibility requirements and need financial assistance for whole-home repairs, please apply now on the Allegheny County Whole-Home Repair Program website.

Additional Resources

Unfortunately, Action Housing Inc. cannot award grants to all eligible applicants. If you are in need of financial assistance for home repairs and are not eligible for or awarded a grant, please consult these resources:

Learn More

The Whole-Home Repair Program is a federal program and available in counties across the Commonwealth. If you do not live in Allegheny County but are in need of financial assistance for home repairs, you can apply through an agency within your county. Find a list of agencies supporting the Whole-Home Repair Program on the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development website.

To learn more, please consult the Whole-Home Repair Program Manual or visit the Action Housing Inc. website.


March 14, 2023

UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation Offering Medical Grants for Children

The UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation (UHCCF) is offering medical grants to families unable to afford child medical expenses not covered, or not fully covered, by commercial health insurance.

Families can receive up to $5,000 annually per child ($10,000 lifetime maximum per child), and do not need to have insurance through UnitedHealthcare to be eligible to receive medical grants.

About UHCCF Medical Grants

UHCCF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that provides medical grants to help children gain access to health-related services not covered or not fully covered by their family’s commercial health insurance plan.

Grants are available for medical costs incurred within 60 days of application and are good for one year following the month in which they are approved.

Families can use medical grants to cover the cost of deductibles, coinsurance, copays, and a variety of non-covered services and supports, including therapies, durable medical equipment, hospital stays, medication, mental health services, and most other standard/FDA approved services.

Families cannot use medical grants to pay for insurance premiums, home modifications, and experimental or unproven services. Visit the UHCCF website to find a list of other exclusions.

Grant recipients awarded less than $5,000 may re-apply for another grant once the current grant funds have been completely exhausted.

Applications not approved by the regional board must wait 12 months before re-applying unless the medical condition and requested items have significantly changed from the original request.

Grant Eligibility

Families are eligible for UHCCF medical grants if:

  • The child for whom they seek financial support is:
    • facing a health-related challenge
    • 16 years of age or younger at the time of application
    • a United States citizen and resides in the U.S.
    • covered by a commercial health plan individually purchased or provided by a caretaker’s employer
    • receiving care in the U.S. from a a licensed medical professional or receiving treatments in the U.S. prescribed by a Medical Doctor (M.D.), Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) or Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.)
      • Care or treatment administered in U.S. territories including U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are not eligible for UHCCF grant coverage.
  • Their maximum annual income, as reported on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 1040 Tax Form, does not exceed:
    • Family Size of two – $55,000
    • Family Size of three – $85,000
    • Family Size of four – $115,000
    • Family Size of five or more – $145,000
  • They apply in a timely manor.
    • If families seek a grant for treatment or service that occurred more than 60 days prior to the application, their application will not be considered.

Apply for a Grant

To apply for UHCCF grant:

  • Ask your child’s physician to complete the Physician Certification of Medical Condition Form and obtain an electronic copy of the completed form.
  • Obtain an electronic copy of your IRS 1040 Tax Form.
  • Obtain an electronic copy of the front and back of your current commercial/private insurance card.
  • Complete the online UHCCF grant application, attaching electronic copies of the completed and signed Medical Condition Form, IRS 1040 Tax Form, and commercial/private insurance card.

Learn More

UHCCF’s funding is provided by contributions from individuals, corporations, and UnitedHealth Group employees.

To learn more, visit the UHCCF website.


December 10, 2021

Apply for a Children’s Trust Fund Grant

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) is accepting applications for Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) grants.

About the Children’s Trust Fund Grants

The purpose of the CTF grants is to promote community-based primary and secondary child abuse and neglect prevention programs throughout the Commonwealth. Any organization located and operating in Pennsylvania that provides direct services and meets the criteria is eligible to apply for a CTF grant.

CTF funds are available for up to a three-year grant cycle that will begin on the effective date of the grant agreement and end on June 30, 2025. The focus is to support community-based child abuse and neglect prevention projects. Selected Applicants must use Evidence-Based or Evidence-Informed programs that focus on the parent or primary caregiver, and their child, or the whole family. The program can’t focus solely on the child.

The maximum CTF grant award is $50,000 per year, and applicants must provide a minimum local match of 25 percent of the requested CTF grant award for the first year and a minimum local match of 50 percent of the requested grant award for the second and third grant years. The continuation of CTF grants each year of the three-year cycle is contingent upon the availability of funds and successful program evaluation of the project.

How to Apply

Application details and forms are available at the eMarketPlace website.

Each Applicant must submit one complete copy of the Submittal via email to RAPWRFAQUESTIONS@PA.GOV. The subject line of the email must indicate “RFA 17-21 Application”. Applications are due by 12 p.m. on January 13, 2022.

The CTF Board will vote to approve the number of awards at their meeting on March 31. 2022.


Questions must be submitted via email only, with the subject line “RFA # 17-21 Question,” to Eric McCoy at RAPWRFAQUESTIONS@PA.GOV. Applicants must submit questions as they arise, but no later than 12 p.m. December 14, 2021.

Written answers to the questions submitted will be posted on December 22, 2021 on the Department of General Services’ (DGS) website at the eMarketPlace website.


April 3, 2019

PAsmart Announces Grant Awardees

In February 2019, Governor Tom Wolf announced funding for PAsmart Apprenticeship and Next Generation Industry Partnerships grants which will connect Pennsylvanians with the information needed to succeed in our evolving economy.

About PAsmart

PAsmart is focused on ensuring Pennsylvania students and workers have the skills and abilities to meet the economic needs of the 21st century. This initiative aims to do this by expanding access to STEM education in Pennsylvania schools, embracing the Next Generation Industry Partnership model, and creating the Apprenticeship and Training Office to increase apprenticeship opportunities within a variety of industries.

OCDEL’s Role

The Office of Child Development and Early Learning supports the efforts of PA’s Department of Labor and Industry and is working with them to professionalize the early education field. Efforts include increasing access to a career pathway that results in stackable, portable credentials, and providing relevant, developmentally and culturally appropriate content to support educators working with young children to advance their individual career and education progression.

Organization Grantees

The following organizations will be supported through PAsmart funds:

  • 1100c Training and Upgrading Fund: Will expand their apprenticeship model in Southeastern Pennsylvania
  • Partner4Work: Will establish a regional hub for Early Childhood Education registered apprenticeships in the Pittsburgh Metro Area
  • Keystone University: Will partner with Lackawanna Trail High School, Luzerne County Community College, and Wilkes University to build an Early Childhood Education (ECE) pipeline through a competency-based apprenticeship that leads to an entry-level ECE credential
  • Shippensburg University: Will design curriculum and develop advanced competencies to expand the Philadelphia ECE apprenticeship to four-year programs
  • Arcadia University: Will expand their RA program for ECE
  • First Up and its partners: Will expand upon apprenticeship supports and program to provide career paths in ECE

Learn More

For more information, visit

* Information provided by OCDEL’s PA Early Ed Newsletter