
September 9, 2024

Licensed Child Care Providers Can Apply for PA NAP SACC Wellness Grant

Licensed child care providers in Pennsylvania are encouraged to apply for the 2024-25 PA NAP SACC Wellness Grant. 

To apply, providers must serve a minimum of four children, ages birth to five years. Past participants are also eligible to apply.

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The grant provides an opportunity to engage in a continuous quality improvement process focused on obesity prevention practices and policies in early care and education settings.

The program utilizes Go NAPSACC, an online, evidence-based tool, to guide self-assessment, action planning, implementation, policy development, re-self-assessment, and reflection. The process empowers program leadership and includes individualized technical assistance to increase knowledge and improve the quality of practice and policy. 

Programs will be linked with a child care health consultant at no cost to the site. The consultant will review nutrition and physical activity practices and policies, assist with developing sustainable policies, and offer guidance for quality improvement.

Those who participate and complete grant requirements will receive up to $500 in grant funding. The funding can support staff time or any necessary materials and resources.

More Details

For STAR 3 and 4 programs, participation in all components of the PA NAP SACC Wellness Grant satisfies Keystone STARS performance standards for utilizing a healthcare consultant to establish and maintain health policies above those required by certification. It also satisfies bonus points area Partnerships with Families and Communities for participating in an organized effort to promote nutritional health for children.

Following the application period, applicants will be invited to participate in an Oct. 23 webinar from 12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. The webinar will be recorded and shared with all eligible applicants. After the webinar, program enrollment will be based on the first 50 programs to complete enrollment tasks outlined in the webinar.

How to Apply

Those interested in participating should complete and submit an online application or visit the Keystone Kids Go website. For questions or additional information, call Cindy Wilson at Tuscarora Intermediate Unit at 717-248-4942, ext. 143, or email

The application deadline is Oct. 4.


July 22, 2024

Rising STARS Tuition Assistance Program Covers Most Costs and Fees for Early Learning Professionals

Eligible early learning professionals can get most of their tuition costs and fees for courses covered by applying to the Rising STARS Tuition Assistance Program.

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The program pays 95% of tuition costs and fees for eligible college coursework taken by early learning professionals. There’s a maximum benefit of $8,000 per individual each fiscal year, which runs from July 1 through June 30.

Tuition costs and fees obtained through other funding sources – such as scholarships, stipends, discounts, or grants, with the exception of the Pell Grant – are used to determine the amount of assistance. Those interested in applying are recommended to do so at least four weeks prior to the start of the course, or prior to the tuition due date – whichever comes first.


To be eligible for consideration, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • They must be a Pennsylvania resident.
  • They must work a minimum of 20 hours weekly in a classroom setting or as a director, assistant director, or education coordinator.
  • They must work in a child care facility that holds a current Child Care License under the Department of Human Services (DHS) and demonstrate continuous employment for at least 12 months.
  • They must agree to continue to work in a Keystone STARS facility for two months for every credit supported by the Rising STARS Tuition Assistance Program with two months beginning at the conclusion of the course for which funding was received. Total time due will not exceed 24 months following the conclusion of the most recent course completed.
  • If they are child care center directors, assistant directors, family or group child care home owners/operators, they must earn less than $25 per hour or $52,000 annually.
  • If they are aides, assistant teachers, or teachers, they must earn less than $21.63 per hour or $45,000 annually.
  • They must be enrolled in credit-bearing courses at an in-state accredited institution toward an approved credential.
  • They must maintain a 3.0 GPA for the credit-bearing coursework toward a credential in which the student is enrolled.

For more information, including the required documents for applying, visit Keystone STARS’ Rising STARS Tuition Assistance Program website.


July 1, 2024

Updated Keystone STARS Bonus Points Tip Sheets Now Available

The Keystone STARS policy team has recently worked with partner agencies to update its Bonus Points Tip Sheets.

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The updated tip sheets are now LIVE on the Pennsylvania Key’s Keystone STARS Resources webpage where there are links to the Bonus Point quality initiatives.

Significant updates were made to the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) tip sheets. PBIS is a framework for supporting social emotional development and addressing challenging behaviors in early childhood. It supports administrative teams to use implementation science and practical strategies to support staff and families.

Minor updates were made to the other tip sheets including: PA Eco Healthy Child Care; Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care (NAPSACC Program); Farm to Early Care and Education; Child and Adult Care Food Program; and After School Quality.

Those with questions about the updates to the tip sheets should contact their ELRC quality coach.


June 11, 2024

OCDEL Names Director of Bureau of Early Learning Policy and Professional Development

The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) has named Luisa Olivo-Wolf as its director of the Bureau of Earning Learning Policy and Professional Development.

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Olivo-Wolf is an executive leader in early childhood education and the nonprofit sector. She has a master’s degree in community leadership from Alvernia University, a bachelor’s degree in social work from Millersville University, and a nonprofit management certificate from Temple University.

Previously, she served as the assistant chief program officer at the Community Progress Council. There, she oversaw early childhood programs, including PA Pre-K Counts, Early Head Start, and Head Start. She helped to ensure quality services for children and families, and fostered holistic professional development and community engagement.

Olivo-Wolf was also previously the director of strategic initiatives, family, and community engagement manager and family advocate at the Community Progress Council. She held director roles at the College Hill Children’s Center and Hildebrandt Learning Centers at Masonic Village and Gap. She also served as the community school director at Washington Elementary School, where she coordinated on-site health, academic, and social service programs for children and families. 

Through Keystone STARS, the state’s quality rating improvement system, the bureau develops and implements standards for early learning programs and professionals to improve the quality of early learning for young children.

It also provides financial support and technical assistance for programs and professionals. The bureau is responsible for establishing and maintaining the rules, regulations, and procedures for Child Care Works (CCW), the state Department of Education’s subsidized child care program. 

Both programs are managed at the regional level through the grantees known as Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRCs). 


April 15, 2024

School-Age Mental Health Consultation Accepting Appointments

The Pennsylvania Key Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) program is now offering a new service to help school-age children as well as their teachers and families with mental health counseling.

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School Age Child Care (SACC) Mental Health Consultation is aimed at assisting Keystone STARS programs looking for support with children who are struggling with behavior, attachment, peer relationships, or emotion regulation. It also assists teachers and families of students with self-care, stress, and coping.

SACC Mental Health Consultation is now accepting consultation appointments across the state. Mental health consultants are available by telephone or video conference appointments. The consultation is a problem-solving and collaborative approach to develop goals and strategies for:

  • Child social-emotional concerns
  • Child behavioral or developmental concerns
  • Emotional well-being of teachers and caregivers
  • Partnering with families 

Services are available to child care professionals – such as teachers, directors, and staff in center, group-based child care programs – participating in Keystone STARS school-age child care programs.

How to Request an Appointment

Appointments are conducted on Tuesdays with the option to schedule follow-up appointments based on individual needs. Those interested in scheduling an appointment with a SACC mental health consultant can register online.

Those who register will receive an email confirmation with appointment information and a Zoom link invitation for the video appointment if they chose a virtual option. Registration will be accepted until the day before a consultation date.


May 13, 2022

UPDATED: Streamlined Keystone STARS Designation System to Launch July 1

The Keystone STARS designation system will be live in the PA PD Registry beginning July 1, 2022.

The new designation system will feature the updated 2022 Keystone STARS Performance Standards. As such, all designations initiated after July 1, 2022, will use the 2022 Keystone STARS Performance Standards and the new Streamlined Keystone STARS Designation System.

(This page was updated on May 13, 2022 to reflect new information from OCDEL).


The new designation system in the PA PD Registry is replacing SMART Designation Software, the Keystone STARS Document Uploader, and portions of Provider Self Service (PSS).

The new system features a Document Vault that will replace the current STARS Document Uploader, which will no longer be available after May 31, 2022. Providers can begin using the Document Vault feature, which is currently live in the PA PD Registry.

Programs currently using the Document Uploader to complete a designation must ensure that all evidence is uploaded by May 31, 2022. From June 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022, there will be a black out period for any new Request for Keystone STAR Designations (RFSD) to be completed. During this time, programs will be unable to complete any new RFSDs either via Provider Self Service (PSS) from the Keystone STARS home page or via a paper RFSD.


For complete details about the new designation system, read the Office of Child Development and Early Learning’s full announcement (UPDATED).

Programs who require help in uploading documents to their Document Vault and/or attaching documents to quality indicators should reach out to the ELRC Region 5 at or the PD Registry team at

Information about demonstrations and trainings , video tutorials, and tip sheets on the Keystone STARS Designation system will be housed on the PA Keys website.


February 3, 2022

Child Care Providers Needed for Keystone STARS Focus Groups

Early childhood education providers working in Pennsylvania child care who have knowledge of, or experience with, the Keystone STARS system are invited to participate in an online focus group in February.


The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) wants to learn more about the experience of leaders of center-based, family child care, and group child care providers with the Keystone STARS quality rating and improvement system, what is working, what is not working and how the system could be improved.


Focus groups will be held virtually through Zoom on the following days and times, and will last no more than two hours:

  • For all providers: February 10, 2022 at 9:30 a.m.

  • For family child care home providers: February 17, 2022 at 6 p.m.

  • For all providers: February 19, 2022 at 1 p.m.

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November 23, 2021

Tip Sheet: Using the PD Registry Document Vault

As part of the new process for Keystone STARS pre-designation and designation applications, an updated Tip Sheet for Using the Document Vault within the PD Registry has been developed.


Though the new process has been delayed until 2022, child care providers can begin using the Document Vault feature, which aims to help them store important designation information in a centralized location for future designation purposes.

The tip sheet includes information on Vault functionality, naming documents, and instructions for uploading documents.

The Document Vault can be seen as a centralized storage location where important documentation and evidence can be stored for use in future Keystone STARS Designation activities. It is important to note that documents that were previously uploaded into the Keystone STARS Document Uploader will not automatically transfer into a program’s Document Vault.

View the Document Vault tip sheet on the PA Keys website. The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) will release additional guidance related to the rollout of the streamlined Keystone STARS Designation System in the upcoming months and will continue to offer training for both providers and ELRC staff until the go-live date in early 2022.


October 1, 2021

One-Year Extension for Keystone STARS Designations

Beginning October 1, 2021 and through Sept. 30, 2022, the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) will grant one-year extensions to current Keystone STAR designations.

Designation Extensions

Pennsylvania’s ECE programs are struggling and facing concerns of losing their Keystone STARS rating due to the difficulty in finding and maintaining a strong, qualified work force. The one-year extension is meant to alleviate the stress on programs in completing full Keystone STAR designation renewals and annual paperwork renewals.

Extensions will allow programs additional time to engage in thoughtful discussions with their current staff, the Early Learning Resource Center, and their Professional Development Organization, to plan for future staff professional development (PD) and education needs.

Designation extensions will also allow programs to focus on COVID-19 mitigation efforts and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stabilization Grant applications.

OCDEL will use the additional time to analyze data and trends related to the ECE staffing crisis and better prepare for the field’s future needs.

Expectations for Programs

Keystone STARS programs will be expected to maintain all quality activities related to the STAR level at which they are currently designated during their one-year extensions. The following expectations will be in place for STAR programs:

  • STAR 2, 3, and 4 programs must maintain all required STAR 2 quality activities

  • STAR 3 and 4 programs must also maintain the two STAR 3 and 4 required quality activities

  • The three-year cycle associated with Internal Assessment Processes will not be affected by the one-year STAR extensions. STAR 3 and 4 programs should continue to work with their Quality Coach and member of the Program Quality Assessment team to ensure they are completing their IAP.

Any lapses in maintenance of the required quality activities could result in an appropriate action to a program’s STAR designation including a Status Review, Reduction, Suspension, or Removal. During the extensions, ELRC Quality Staff will continue to respond to complaints from parents and/or other community stakeholders regarding programs. Subsequent actions may include those outlined in the Keystone STARS Status Review, Reduction, Suspension, and Removal Process.

During the one-year STAR Designation extensions, programs are encouraged to engage in quality improvement activities with the ELRC, which will ensure they are continually pursuing excellence and will be fully prepared to resume all designation activities following the extension period.

Certificate of Compliance

Programs that have been placed on a provisional certificate of compliance (CoC) through the Department of Human Services (DHS) due to certification violations will continue to have their STAR designation suspended while on a provisional CoC. When the program regains their regular CoC, their STAR level will be restored to their previous STAR level (providing the STAR did not expire while on the provisional CoC) with the previous STAR designation expiration date and will not be granted a one-year Keystone STARS extension. These programs will be required to meet all applicable 2020 Keystone STARS Performance Standards for their STAR level at time of designation.

If a program’s current STAR expired while on a provisional CoC, the program will be moved down to a STAR 1 when a regular CoC is granted. To move up in STAR levels, the program will be required to meet all applicable 2020 Keystone STARS Performance Standards and, if successful in moving up, will not receive a Keystone STARS extension of the new STAR level.

Opting in for Normal Renewals

Programs that want to renew their STAR level as scheduled should reach out to the ELRC Region 5 at least 30 days, and up to 90 days, prior to their current STAR expiration date and communicate their desire to complete their designation renewal as normal. Programs who choose to forego the one-year extension will not be able to request a one-year extension at a later date.

Moving Up a STAR Level

Programs that want to move up in STAR levels will be able to do so using the current 2020 Keystone STARS Performance Standards. In order to move up in STAR levels, programs will be required to meet all quality indicators at the respective STAR level to which they are attempting to move. These programs should reach out to the ELRC Region 5 for guidance and next steps in moving up.

More Information

For more information, read the policy announcement here: ELRC Policy Announcement 21 #08 Keystone STARS Designation Extensions.


February 17, 2021

Child Care Providers and State Legislators Discuss Policy Changes

Trying Together and child care providers joined Pennsylvania state policymakers on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 to voice their concerns about recent state-level program and policy changes that have widely destabilized the child care sector.  

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, child care subsidy payments in Pennsylvania were modified so reimbursement was based on enrollment versus attendance. At the time, this measure was taken to ensure financial stability as child care providers were encountering complex challenges that exceeded the scope of their normal operations, including mandated closures. In September 2020, at Governor Tom Wolf’s direction, the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) restored the original subsidy payment practices from enrollment-based back to attendance-based, which has had a devastating effect since many programs continue to be under-enrolled due to COVID-19.

“At this point we are at 66% of our pre-COVID enrollment. This loss of about 35% equates to more than $1.5 million in tuition. We are feeling it big time,” said Jason Kunzman, Chief Program Officer, Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh. “We believe that the primary driver in not being able to admit more children into our programs is actually the difficulty we’ve experienced in trying to recruit qualified staff. It goes without saying that operating in a COVID environment, everything is harder. What used to take one person to do now takes three people…this has been a real hardship to the entire industry.  

“[We need] more sustainable, longer-lasting changes to the financial model that can make high-quality  care accessible to as many families as possible while allowing providers to pay their educators a livable wage.”

To compound these constraints, OCDEL repurposed the Education & Retention Award (ERA) for STAR 3 and STAR 4 high-quality educators to a Pandemic Relief Award (PRA) in December 2020, providing $600 to 33,000 child care employees across the state with many programs waitlisted due to a lack of funds. 

Currently in Pennsylvania, the average wage of a child care professional is $9.71 per hour with 50% of them receiving government benefits.

“Many of my staff are single moms or low-income who qualify for subsidies themselves… They returned to work during a pandemic, they risked their lives and their family’s lives for the greater good of the Pennsylvania economy, and the money was taken from them,” said Tracy O’Connell, Child Care Director, Catholic Youth Association. “To take away the only extra money these hardworking, dedicated teachers earn each year – during the year they deserve it the most – is heartless. There has to be a way to keep the ERA money for what it is designed to do, and that is to retain and reward degreed staff.”

Since the ERA typically awarded more funds than this to its recipients, the loss of the ERA further disincentivizes high-quality educators to remain in the field. Essentially, Pennsylvania doesn’t have the funds to meet the full needs of child care providers due to this change.

Senator Jay Costa, Senate Minority Leader (D-Allegheny), said child care providers are faced with a “catch-22” if the ERA is permanently taken away. 

STARS requires you to have degreed  folks but you don’t have money to retain them because [their money is being taken away],” Senator Costa said. “We shouldn’t tie your hands behind your back to try to have you meet standards that let people know the quality of service that you’re providing because here are criteria you have to meet. Both Democrats and Republicans are committed to working with you on this.” 

The Commonwealth will receive $302 million in federal dollars to support child care via the Child Care & Development Block Grant (CCDBG) funds from the most recent COVID-19 relief package.

Senator Lindsey Williams, Education – Minority Chair (D-Allegheny), said it’s important to invest in early childhood education.

It’s heartbreaking that we as a legislature haven’t found a way as of yet to take care of the child care workforce because that’s the only way we get our economy going,” she said. “You have my support to use existing federal dollars, hopefully future federal dollars and whatever state funding we can come up with to actually address these policy issues…so that it’s a big structural change on how we fund child care.” 

Senator Camera Bartolotta, Labor & Industry, Chair (R- Beaver, Greene, Washington) also stressed that the early childhood education workforce is essential to the state’s economic recovery.

“It is vital – it is imperative – that we get folks back to work. When we are opening our economy safely, these parents need their kids to be in a safe, healthy learning environment,” she said. “We’ve got to make sure that all of these institutions stay healthy economically as well as physically. That’s something that we have to prioritize. We are not going to open our economy if parents don’t have a safe place for their kids to go.”

The child care providers, families, and early learning advocates throughout the state like Trying Together look forward to the concerns discussed during yesterday’s call being addressed and resolved.

Read More

Child Care Worker Subsidy Replaced An Award That Providers Say Incentivized Staff Higher Education, 90.5 WESA

Child Care Facilities Call On Pennsylvania Lawmakers For Financial Assistance, KDKA-TV

Child care providers say Pa. policy shifts are causing financial strain, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Child care facilities struggling, PublicSource