
January 15, 2025

Power Kids Website Offers Videos, Books on Various Topics

Children and their caregivers can do everything from watching videos and reading books to learning about a variety of topics through Power Kids, Pennsylvania’s electronic library.

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Power Kids is broken down into 12 e-resources that cover a variety of topics and formats. The electronic library enables children to access videos, books, information on how to be a safe and responsible citizen with eBooks, chat with a librarian, and resources that helps them to learn about everything from history to science.

The e-resources available on the Power Kids site include:

  • BookFlix: children can watch videos and read books about animals, celebrations, nature, music, and other topics, some of which are also available in Spanish
  • Britannica School for PreK-5: inspires learners to create, play, and explore, this tool offers nonfiction articles across various subjects
  • Cricket Media Collection: includes hundreds of e-books that can help to build literacy skills in students from grades pre-K through eighth by offering digital access to short-form fiction and nonfiction
  • Discover PA for Kids: provides state symbols, facts, and figures
  • Elementary: provides information such topics as animals, arts, geography, health, literature, people, social studies, and technology
  • True Flix: visitors can learn about people, places, nature, history, and science through e-books on topics such as American Indians, ancient civilizations, the Civil War, the U.S. government, and more
  • KidSpeak – Chinese/Mandarin, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish/Castilian: learn words and phrases suitable for learners’ age, needs, and interests; includes more than 40 activities, puzzles, and songs

For more information on the various resources, visit the Power Kids website.


August 1, 2023

Grandfamily Tip Sheets Provide Information on Self-Care and Youth Mental Health

Generations United, with support from Humana, recently developed tip sheets on self-care and youth mental health for grandfamily caregivers.

Tip sheets include specialized information and resources for grandfamilies and grandparents who care for young children.

About Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheets

According to Generations Untied, there are 2.6 million children in the U.S. living in households headed by a grandparent, another relative, or close family friend without a parent present. Consequently, these families, often referred to as “grandfamilies,” require unique supports.

Tip sheets, tailored to grandfamilies, serve Generations United’s mission to improve the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational collaboration.

Thus far, two grandfamily caregiver tip sheets have been developed:

  • Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care, and
  • Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health.

Both are available in English and Spanish.

Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care

The grandfamily caregiver tip sheet on self-care:

  • defines self-care,
  • explains the need for grandfamily self-care,
  • estabilishes challenges grandfamilies face in receiving self-care,
  • provides self-care tips for grandfamily caregivers, and, also
  • provides examples of self-care.

Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health

The grandfamily caregiver tip sheet on youth mental health:

  • explains the impacts of childhood trauma,
  • shares recommendations on mitigating the impact of trauma,
  • highlights warning signs of child mental health challenges,
  • shares recommendations for talking to children about mental health, and, additionally,
  • provides mental health resources.

Access the Tip Sheets

To access the tip sheets, utilize the following links:

Additionally, tip sheets are available on the Generations United website.

Learn More

To learn more, visit the Generations United website.

Related Content & Resources


April 12, 2023

BabyTalks Series: Supporting Infant and Toddler Peer Relationships

Children are born with the amazing ability to form strong bonds with their caregivers, but how do we help infants and toddlers prepare for peer relationships?

Join the Office of Head Start and their National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning for this webinar, and learn how infants’ and toddlers’ experience with others shapes their understanding of themselves and their relationships with peers.

This webinar will have English and Spanish captioning.

Webinar Details

Thursday, April 20 | 3 – 4 p.m.



Learn More

In this webinar, Beth Zack, Ph.D., and Marley Jarvis, Ph.D., from the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning will present research on how children build peer relationships.

Attendees will discover the importance of creating spaces where children feel like they belong and how this helps children understand themselves and others, as well as explore strategies and resources that help infants and toddlers build a strong foundation for a lifetime of healthy peer relationships.

To learn more, visit the “Supporting Infant and Toddler Peer Relationships” registration page.


January 11, 2023

Mandated Reporter Training Available in Spanish

iLookOut’s interactive, online training is now available in Spanish for all mandated reporters in Pennsylvania.

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This evidence-based training meets Pennsylvania’s Act 31 requirements, can be completed over multiple sessions, and is free of charge.

iLookOut provides online courses initially designed for people who work or volunteer at child care programs.

iLookOut uses a story-based approach for preparing mandated reporters to identify and help protect children who may be experiencing abuse, and was developed under the aegis of Penn State’s Center for the Protection of Children.

To access it in Spanish, toggle the language from English to Español on the website.


September 7, 2022

PD Registry Fall Spanish Speaking Virtual Office Hours

The Pennsylvania Key will host recurring office hours for Spanish speaking early childhood education providers interested in learning more about the Professional Development (PD) Registry.

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The PD registry is a system for the workforce that connects to many of the OCDEL initiatives for early childhood education programs in Pennsylvania. Office hours will be held the same day, at two times of the day to meet the needs of both center and family child care settings. Below is a list of topics to be discussed during office hours.

Please note, that a Spanish speaking provider can connect to any of the office hours with questions related to the PD Registry. Spanish Speaking providers can also reach the PD Registry help desk by sending an email (in Spanish) to Please put “AYUDA” in the subject line.


  • September 14, 2022 | 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

  • October 12, 2022 | 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

  • November 9, 2022 | 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

All meetings can be accessed on Zoom.

Share this flyer with your networks. (English) (Spanish)


January 5, 2022

Bilingual Assistance Offered for ARPA Stabilization Grant Applications

The Pennsylvania Key will host recurring office hours for Spanish speaking early childhood education providers interested in applying for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stabilization grant.


All types of child care settings–center, group, and home-based–are invited to participate in this effort, geared to support Spanish speaking owners, directors and administrators.

During the office hours, a bilingual (Spanish/English) representative will be available to translate on the call, as well as a Registry Specialist who can answer questions and provide demonstrations relating to the PA PD Registry and the ARPA Stabilization Grant.

How to Participate

The first series is Assistance with APRA Grant applications in the PD Registry. Registration is not needed to participate.

  • Thursday, January 6, 2022, from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

  • Thursday, January 20, 2022, from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

The ARPA Stabilization Grant application will be available in the PD Registry until January 31, 2022. In February 2022, monthly office hours will continue to occur in Spanish to help with Career Pathway level processing, financial aid for the CDA, and additional topics that meet the need of the Spanish speaking early childhood professionals in Pennsylvania.


For more information, please email (English) or (Spanish).


November 16, 2020

Support Available Through Family Hotline

Need assistance in navigating the academic and personal needs of those in your household? Call this Family Hotline offered by the Pittsburgh Learning Collaborative.


In August 2020, A+ Schools, ARYSE, Lawrenceville United, the Latino Community Center, the Boys & Girls Club, and Heinz Fellows launched their new Family Hotline to answer questions and offer support to families as they navigate the academic and personal needs of those in their household.

The Hotline is available in 14 languages, including English, Spanish, Uzbek, Swahili, Nepali, Tigrinya, Kinyarwanda, Mandarin, Hindi, Burmese, French, Dari, Portuguese, and Arabic. Calls can be received 24/7. A representative may answer your call, but if not, please leave a voicemail. You will receive a call back within 48 hours on weekdays. Voicemails can be left in any language.

Hotline Phone Numbers

    • For calls in any language: 412.256.8536
    • Para llamadas en Español: 412.335.7446

Share these flyers with your network: English, Español, Uzbek, Swahili, Nepali, Tigrinya, Kinyarwanda, Mandarin, Hindi, Burmese, French, Dari, Portuguese, Arabic.


November 10, 2020

Supporting Fathers Who Were Sexually Abused as Children

Join the Brazelton Touchpoints Center and Hassan Daniel, Founder and CEO of The Father Factory, on November 18 for “Supporting Fathers Who Were Sexually Abused as Children.” This is an online event.


During this discussion, Brazelton Touchpoints Center Executive Director Joshua Sparrow, MD, and Hassan Daniel, Founder and CEO of The Father Factory, will discuss fathers with childhood histories of sexual abuse and how they can heal and become the fathers they want to be and their families need them to be. Join Hassan for a live and interactive discussion following the event. Live Spanish translation will be available.


To register, visit the event webpage.


June 30, 2020

National Family Child Care Conference

Are you interested in celebrating and exploring the field of family child care? Join the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) on July 17 and 18 for the 30th National Family Child Care Conference!


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NAFCC will host its annual National Family Child Care Conference virtually on the evening of Friday, July 17 and all day on Saturday, July 18. The conference will feature:

    • live and on-demand workshops,
    • an opportunity to earn up to 24 hours (or 2.4 continuing education units) of training credit,
    • a Spanish track with four live sessions presented in Spanish,
    • a Black and Latina caucus where participants can discuss the things that are important to them, and
    • a virtual exhibit hall where participants can view vendors without leaving their homes.

Featured Topics

Live and on-demand workshops will cover a variety of topics, including, but not limited to, the following:

    • record-keeping and tax implications of COVID-19,
    • organizing a sustainable daily routine that supports health and wellbeing,
    • how to make your home a place of inquiry, play, and experimentation,
    • strategies for creating an environment that promotes a variety of social-emotional skills,
    • finding out and improving your business’ profit margin, and
    • recognizing early signs of mental illness in young children.

View the schedule and full workshop descriptions.


To register and learn more, visit the event webpage. For questions, submit NAFCC’s online contact form.


May 27, 2020

Virtual Home Visits and Socialization Activities

Are you interested in learning how to plan virtual home visits and socialization activities with families? Join the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL) on June 10 for their webinar, “Planning Virtual Home Visits and Socialization Activities with Families.”


In this webinar, participants will learn how to plan and individualize virtual home visits and socialization activities with families. Presenters will explore effective virtual engagement practices and review available resources to assist participants’ continued work with families. Both

This webinar is best suited for program directors; education managers; home visitors and their supervisors; teachers who are engaging virtually with children and families; and regional T/TA staff who support home visiting programs and home-based program staff. English and Spanish captioning will be available.

Featured Topics

    • Planning a developmentally appropriate virtual home visit as well as socialization activities with families.
    • Exploring tools to increase family engagement in home visits and socialization from a distance.
    • Reviewing resources to support home visitors and their work with families.


To register and learn more, visit the Home Visiting Webinar Series webpage.