July 27, 2023 Resources for August Observances Various organizations, states, and nations recognize a number of observances each month. Resources help parents, caregivers, and child care professionals acknowledge and navigate them. Here is a list of resources for August observances: Month-Long Observances Summer Sun Safety Month CDC Shares Sun Safety Tips for Schools, Trying Together Allegheny County Shares Summer Safety Guidance, Trying Together Summer Safety Brochure, Allegheny County Health Department, Trying Together Sun Safety, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Be Safe in the Sun, American Cancer Society Sun Protection, American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Sun Protection Tips for Those with Black and Brown Skin, Boston University Sun Safety and Prevention, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) August is National Immunization Awareness Month, Trying Together National Immunization Awareness Month, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Recommended Vaccinations for Infants and Children, Parent-Friendly Version, Birth through 6 Years, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccines for Your Children By Age, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Spanish / Español Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month National Center Releases Guide on Children’s Eye Health, Trying Together An Eye Health Information Tool Kit for Parents and Caregivers, National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health Eye Health and Safety for Kids, National Eye Institute (NEI) Get Free or Low-Cost Eye Care For Children, National Eye Institute (NEI) Eye Conditions and Diseases, National Eye Institute (NEI) Spanish / Español 6 Ways to Be Proactive About Your Child’s Eye Health, John Hopkins Medicine Keep an Eye on Your Child’s Vision, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Resources for Parents of Blind and Low-Vision Children, Library of Congress: National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled Parenting Without Sight: What Attorneys and Social Workers Should Know About Blindness, National Federation of the Blind How to Get Free Audio Books for the Blind and Visually Impaired, The Braille Institute 25+ Children’s Books Featuring Visually Impaired Characters, WonderBaby Back to School Month Allegheny Child Care What is Allegheny Child Care? 2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration Information, Trying Together Top 10 Skills for Children Entering Kindergarten, Trying Together Your Child is Going to Kindergarten: Family Guide (ECLKC), Trying Together Kindergarten Transition: A Guide for Families, Trying Together National Breastfeeding Month Breastfeeding Resources, Breastfeeding Center of Pittsburgh, Trying Together Breastfeeding Classes August is National Breastfeeding Month: This is Our Why, U.S. Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) Lactation Support, Healthy Start Center for Urban Breastfeeding (HSCUB) Breastfeeding, Kids Plus Pediatrics Pittsburgh Black Breastfeeding Circle (PBBC) Breast Feeding Resources, Birth Doulas of Pittsburgh Weeks of Recognition August 6 – 12 is Exercise with Your Child Week Childhood Physical Health: Resources, Trying Together Play and Physical Activity Guide for Educators & Families, Trying Together Supporting Childhood Physical Health: A Guide for Families: The Importance of Exercise, Trying Together Using Play to Support Children’s Physical Health, Trying Together Air Quality Tips and Training Available for Families and Educators, Trying Together Physical Education Vocabulary for Kids, Trying Together Resources for Supporting Physical Activity, Nutrition, Play and More, Action for Healthy Kids Promoting the Physical Health of Boys (and Girls), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Days of Recognition August 1 is National Night Out (NNO) National Night Out Returns to Pittsburgh, Trying Together City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety About National Night Out National Night Out Resources August 9 is National Book Lovers Day Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Releases 2023 Best Books for Babies List, Trying Together Toolkit: Families and Schools Partnering for Children’s Literacy Success, Trying Together 2023 Virtual Summer Learning and Literacy Road Trip, Trying Together Children’s Books on Race and Equity, Trying Together Books to Celebrate Gender Expression, Inclusion, and Pride, Trying Together Children’s Books About Transitions, Trying Together Children’s Books About Mental Health, Trying Together Restaurants Add Books to the Menu with Summer Reading Programs, Trying Together August 15 is National Back To School Prep Day 2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration Information, Trying Together 101 Back-to-School Tips for Parents and Kids, Care.com Back-to-School Tips, HealthyChildren.org 10 Considerations Before Going Back to School as a Parent, Parents Magazine August 26 is Women’s Equality Day Family Guide: Gender and Gender Identity, Trying Together Women’s Equality Day, The National Women’s History Alliance Women for a Healthy Environment (WHE) The Pittsburgh Women’s Alliance Women’s Issues Support Groups in Pittsburgh, Psychology Today The Women and Girls Foundation
July 5, 2023 2023 Summer Reading Programs for Young Readers Summer reading season is here! This is a great time for young readers to explore new words and books with their parent, caregiver, and other loved ones in different settings. Summer reading for early learners can look like acting out scenes from a picture book in the park with your child, or visiting a local library or family center for a story time. There are plenty of local and national summer reading programs, resources, and activities to allow early readers the opportunity to expand their vocabulary with their parent or caregiver. Find Your Voice! Summer Reading 2023, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh For the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (CLP), summer reading is all about the celebration of self expression. Sign-up for Find Your Voice! summer reading through August 6 at any CLP branch or in the library app. On Sunday, August 13, CLP – Main in Oakland will host its end-of-summer Extravaganza!, a family-friendly outdoor festival features music, crafts, games, prizes, storytelling, and food trucks. Summer Learning and Literacy Road Trip, PA’s Promise for Children Join the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) on their virtual Summer Learning and Literacy Road Trip. Parents, caregivers, teachers, and early childhood education professionals can follow along with OCDEL as they travel to various Pennsylvania libraries and state parks while providing fun resources, activities, and book recommendations to support early literacy and language. All activities align with the PA Early Learning Standards and can be done anywhere. Summer Reading Field Trips, Reading is Fundamental Reading is Fundamental (RIF) has provided various reading logs, coloring sheets, and summer-themed book recommendations to keep learning fun and fresh. Parents and caregivers that take the RIF summer reading pledge will receive a copy of the book, A Sofia Special, one of the books featured in RIF’s summer collection. Summer Reading Camp, Half-Priced Books Young readers can join Summer Reading Camp by visiting a local Half Price Books through July 31 to pick up interactive reading logs, sticker sheets and more, while supplies last. Families that register for the camp will have access to reading recommendations, crafts, and other literacy activities. Scholastic Summer Reading Program, Scholastic The Scholastic Summer Reading program offers children an exciting, free, and safe summer reading experience, while helping to provide books to kids with limited or no access over the summer. Through Thursday, September 7, children can visit the summer zone in Scholastic Home Base, a completely free digital destination which offers stories, characters, games, and a community of readers. Home Base is moderated for safety 24/7. Bookworm Wednesdays, Showcase Cinemas Bookworm Wednesdays entitles children to free admission to a select children’s film when they present a book report at a participating Cinema de Lux, Showcase, or Multiplex Cinemas box office. Accompanying parents or caregivers and children younger than age six receive free admission and do not need to submit a book report. More Programs Check out other summer reading programs from Mille’s Ice Cream and Pizza Hut. Alternatively, parents and caregivers can also visit their local library, family center, or community resource space to learn more about local summer reading programs.
June 20, 2023 Updated: Summer Food Programs Offer Free Meals to Children The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, and City of Pittsburgh Department of Parks and Recreation (CitiParks) are offering summer food programs to provide meals to children at no cost to them or their families while school is not in session. (This article was updated on June 20, 2023 to reflect the addition of GrubUp!, CitiParks’ 2023 Summer Food Service Program). UDSA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) What is SFSP? The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally-funded, state-administered program. The USDA works closely with states to ensure that children who receive on free or reduced-price school meals can get the nutrition they need when schools are closed – whether during summer break or unexpected closures during the school year. Through the USDA’s summer meal programs, approved sites in low-income communities across the country can serve healthy meals and snacks to kids up to age 18 at no cost. Meals can be eaten in-person at local sites or on-the-go. How can children participate? Find a summer site in your community with the USDA Summer Meal Site Finder mapping tool. Then, simply bring your child to the site nearest to you during meal times (which can be found via the USDA Summer Meal Site Finder). Parents can also text “Summer Meals” to 914-342-7744 or call 1-866-348-6479 to find participating sites. Pittsburgh meal sites for summer 2023 currently include: Calvary United Methodist Church Location: 971 Beech Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233 Free Meals Available: June 26 – 29 Hours: Monday – Thursday | 6 – 6:30 p.m. Warren United Methodist Church Location: 2606 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Free Meals Available: June 21 – August 10 Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday | 12 – 1 p.m. The Bridge at Northview Heights Location: 1500 Chicago Street, Pittsburgh 15214, PA 15214 Free Meals Available: June 26 – August 4 Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:45 – 9:30 a.m. and 12 – 12:30 p.m. Sheridan United Methodist Church Location: 2948 Chartiers Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15204 Free Meals Available: June 20 – August 10 Hours: Tuesday and Thursday | 12 – 1 p.m. Trinity AME Zion Church Location: 3105 Allendale Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15204 Free Meals Available: June 21 – August 11 Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday | 12 – 1 p.m. Sto-Rox Library Location: 420 Chartiers Avenue, McKees Rocks, PA 15136 Free Meals Available: June 5 – August 10 Hours: Monday – Thursday | 1 – 2 p.m. and 4 – 6 p.m. Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank Summer Youth Café What is the Summer Youth Café? The Summer Youth Café is is a federally-funded child nutrition program that provides healthy meals during the summer. How can children participate? Families can search for participating sites with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank Find Food Resources mapping tool and bring their child to any participating site during meal times. Summer Youth Café sites for summer 2023 currently include: LaRosa Youth Club Location: 901 Ravine Street, McKeesport, PA 15132 Hours: Daily | 3 – 5 p.m. Safe Passage Mckeesport Location: 1406 Cornell Street, McKeesport, PA 15132 Hours: Daily | 3:45 – 4:30 p.m. Northern Area Boys & Girls Club Location: 100 Howard Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15209 Hours: Monday – Friday | 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. The Learning Hub at the Bridge Location: 1500 Chicago Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15214 Hours: Daily | 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Valley View Terrace Location: 518 Dawson Street, Canonsburg, PA 15317 Free Meals Available: June 12 – August 4 Hours: Monday – Friday | 12 – 12:30 p.m. Bentleyville Apartments Location: 507 Old West Road, Bentleyville, PA 15314 Free Meals Available: June 12 – August 4 Hours: Monday – Friday | 12 – 12:30 p.m. Additionally, the food bank is partnering with Moniteau, Knoch, and Karns City School Districts to host monthly summer drive-up food distributions. Anyone living within participating school district areas is encouraged to attend. For more information, please view the event flyer. GrubUp!: CitiParks’ Summer Food Service Program 2023 What is GrubUp!? GrubUp! is CitiParks Summer Food Service Program. It provides healthy and delicious meals (breakfast, lunch, and/or snack) through eight of Pittsburgh’s recreation centers and 30+ partner locations. This program will run from June 21 through August 18, and be free to anyone under the age of 18 or residents with intellectual disabilities up to age 21. CitiParks also partners with the Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) Food Service Division to provide the Mobile Food Truck, which will operate in conjunction with our Roving Art Cart every Friday to provide an additional location for Pittsburgh children to receive this valuable service. This service is made possible by funding from the US Department of Agriculture through the Pennsylvania Department of Education. How can children participate? To participate, parents and caregivers simply bring their child or children to any of CitiPark’s participating recreation centers or partner locations when meal services are offered. CitiParks offers meals: Ammon Recreation Center Location: 2217 Bedford Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Hours: Monday – Friday, | 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Brookline Recreation Center Location: 1400 Oakridge Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15226 Hours: Monday – Friday, | 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Jefferson Recreation Center Location: 605 Rednap Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Hours: Monday – Friday, | 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Magee Recreation Center Location: 745 Greenfield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15207 Hours: Monday – Friday, | 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Ormsby Recreation Center Location: 79 S. 22nd Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203 Hours: Monday – Friday, | 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Paulson Recreation Center Location: 1201 Paulson Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Hours: Monday – Friday, | 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Phillips Recreation Center Location: 201 Parkfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15210 Hours: Monday – Friday, | 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Warrington Recreation Center Location: 329 E. Warrington Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15210 Hours: Monday – Friday, | 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. To find meal service details, and Summer 2023 partner locations and food service times, view the complete GrupUp! site list. For additional information please contact CitiParks Food Programs Office at 412.571.3291. No Kid Hungry Summer Food Program What is the No Kid Hungry WhatsApp? The No Kid Hungry WhatsApp campaign gives families an easy to use technology to help families with children find the food they need. How can children participate? Families can access the app to get a customized WhatsApp message listing sites in their communities serving free meals for teens and kids under 18. No registration is needed. Families can also text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 304-304 to find a site near them, or visit No Kid Hungry’s Free Meal Finder. Learn More To learn more, visit the USDA or Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank summer food program webpages.
June 13, 2023 CitiParks Publishes Summer Guide The Pittsburgh Department of Parks and Recreation (CitiParks) recently released its 2023 Summer Guide, which aims to highlight the department’s many programs and activities, and safely engage residents and visitors in city spaces. The guide provides information on a wide range of free, family-friendly activities, from walking and biking to concerts and movies. About the 2023 Summer Guide The CitiParks 2023 Summer Guide details: Farmers Markets Roving Art Cart Alphabet Trail and Tales Track and Treat Tennis Clinics CitiSports Aquatics and Swimming Pools Food Programs Recreation Centers Healthy Active Living Senior Centers Parks and Trails Footraces Independence Day at Point State Park Car Cruise-In Line Dancing 2023 Summer Concerts 2023 Dollar Bank Cinema in the Park Community Festivals Block Parties Park Shelters & Facilities Holiday Tree Lighting & Gingerbread House Display Access the 2023 Summer Guide The 2023 Summer Guide is available online. It will also be available at CitiParks Recreation and Healthy Active Living (Senior) Centers, Farmers Markets, Concerts, and various locations throughout the city. Related Information & Resources CitiParks Announces Summer Activity Schedules for Concerts, Movies, and More Allegheny County Shares Summer Safety Guidance Summer Food Programs Offer Free Meals to Children Resources for June Observances 2023 Food Resources Learn More To learn more, visit the City of Pittsburgh website.
June 12, 2023 Restaurants Add Books to the Menu with Summer Reading Programs Millie’s Ice Cream and Pizza Hut are sponsoring summer reading programs to keep children engaged and learning while school is out and to inspire a love of literature by rewarding reading. Millie’s Sweet Reads Summer Reading Program serves K-12 students, while Pizza Hut’s Camp BOOK IT serves Pre-k-6th grade students (ages 4-12), rewarding each with treats from their menus. About Millie’s Sweet Reads Summer Reading Program Sweet Reads is a summer reading program for K-12 students that began in 2021 as a partnership between Millie’s Homemade Ice Cream, the Allegheny County Library Association (ACLA), and White Whale Bookstore. The program aims to support local bookstores and libraries while also serving children. How does it work? Participating in Millie’s Sweet Reads Summer Reading Program is easy. Simply: Obtain a physical bookmark at any Millie’s location or select libraries across the county or print a digital copy from the Millie’s website. Have your child read five books (or read the books to them). Any book or periodical will do. Validate the bookmark at your local library. Please note: the library does not have to be a participating Sweet Reads library. Just ask your favorite librarian to sign the dotted line. Bring your validated bookmark to one of eight eligible Millie’s locations for a free scoop of your child’s choice. Find a list of participating libraries and eligible Millie’s locations on the Millie’s Ice Cream website. When will bookmarks be available? Physical bookmarks will be available at any participating library or Millie’s Ice Cream location during operating hours, all summer long. Digital bookmarks can be printed at any time. Which Millie’s locations will redeem my free scoop? You can redeem your free scoop at any of the eight Millie’s brick and mortar shops. Free scoops are not redeemable at the Kennywood location or at any other Millie’s third-party licensed location or seasonal kiosk. When does the program end? The program expires Monday, September 4, 2023, so be sure to visit a Millie’s and redeem your child’s free scoop before then! Can I redeem more than one time? Millie’s asks that you only redeem one free scoop per summer, but encourages your children to read as many books as they like. The Sweet Reads redemption model operates on the honor system. What if my child can’t eat ice cream or dairy-free gelato? What if I can’t get to a Millie’s? You may redeem your bookmark for a free sticker in the store or via snail mail. Just email hello@millieshomemade.com and Millie’s will be sure to mail you one. About Pizza Hut’s Camp BOOK IT! Since 1984, the Pizza Hut BOOK IT! Program has been dedicated to encouraging reading nationwide. Camp BOOK IT! is open to all families with Pre-k – 6th grade students (ages 4-12). The goal of the program is to get children excited about reading and to turn “have to read” into “want to read.” How does it work? To participate in Camp BOOK IT!, parents utilize a digital dashboard to set goals, track reading, and reward their students. Interested in involving your child in Camp BOOK IT!? Simply: Enroll your child on the BOOK IT! website. Please note: Only one enrollment per household (for up to five children) will be accepted. Duplicate enrollments will be voided. If a change needs to be made to your enrollment after you have submitted, for example you have moved, please call 800.426.6548. Have your child read books, magazines, eBooks, and anything else fun. Enter your child’s reading progress in Pizza Hut’s digital dashboard for June, July, and August. When your child meets their goal, move the slider all the way over to receive their certificate for a Personal Pan Pizza in your email. Use the serialized code on your child’s certificate to redeem! You’ll find more instructions about how to redeem on the certificate. When does the program run? Camp BOOK IT! runs from June to August. You can enroll your child at any time during these months. How many reading certificates can my child earn through Camp BOOK IT? BOOK IT! is a monthly rewards program, so students may earn and/or redeem one Reading Award Certificate per month. How do I redeem my child’s reading certificates? Once you receive their certificate in your email, take the printed or digital certificate to a Pizza Hut near you or use the redemption code to order online. The certificate must be used to reward the student who earned it. How long do I have to redeem my child’s reading certificates? The summer reading certificates for June, July and August all expire on September 15. Learn More To learn more, visit the Millie’s Ice Cream and Camp BOOK IT! websites.
June 5, 2023 Allegheny County Shares Summer Safety Guidance The Allegheny County Department of Human Services (ACDHS) and Department of Health (ACDOH) have published a Summer Safety Guide and Video to help families implement protective practices in the coming months. About the Summer Safety Guide and Video Warmer, sunny days encourage adults and children to get out and enjoy their surroundings. The Summer Safety Guide and Video offer some simple tips that make summer more fun and safe. These resources include information on: basic safety car safety sun safety bug bites and stings safety on wheels (bikes, skateboards, in-line skates, motorcycles, etc.) play safety campfires, grills, and fireworks fire safety water safety open windows/doors chemical/poison safety Access the Summer Safety Guide and Video Access the Summer Safety Guide Access the Summer Safety Video Learn More To learn more, visit the ACDHS website.
May 22, 2023 CitiParks Announces Summer Activity Schedules for Concerts, Movies, and More The City of Pittsburgh Department of Parks & Recreation (CitiParks) Office of Special Events has announced its 2023 Summer Concert Series, 2023 Dollar Bank Cinema in the Park, and 2023 Farmers Market schedules. 2023 Summer Concert Series Three concert series will feature 22 events free to the public, including a July 9 performance by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. “Stars at Riverview” Series “Stars at Riverview” will once again bring local artists to Riverview Park on Saturday evenings throughout the entire summer. Concert-goers are invited to bring a lawn chair or spread a blanket on Observatory Hill for incredible musical entertainment sponsored by the Allegheny Regional Asset District (RAD). Each week concerts will be followed by a showing of “Dollar Bank Cinema in the Park”. This series will take place each Saturday between June 10 an August 26, from 7 – 8:30 p.m. at Riverview Park on Observatory Hill. Performances are as follows: June 10: Trio Nova June 17: Charelle Unique & Soul Drip June 24: Ken Karsh Trio July 1: Louie Castle & the Rooks July 8: Lee Robinson & ISKA July 15: Roger Humphries & the R.H. Factor Band July 22: R.E.D. Experience July 29: Rick Finkelstein August 5: Ronni Weiss & Friends August 12: Thomas Wendt Quartet August 19: Steel City Calypso August 26: NASH.V.ILL “Bach, Beethoven, and Brunch” Series “Bach, Beethoven, and Brunch” is a fan-favorite that entertains among the gardens of Mellon Park. Presented with support from WQED-FM 89.3, attendees can satisfy their appetite for classical music on Sunday mornings, accompanied by a “Best Brunch” competition during intermission. Join to celebrate 50 years of WQED along with a return of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra to the program. This series will take place each Sunday between June 25 and July 30, from 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Mellon Park on Fifth and Shady Avenues. Performances are as follows: June 25: Munhall Community Band July 2: KleZlectic July 9: Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra July 16: Allegheny Brass Band July 23: North Pittsburgh Symphonic Band July 30: NEW – Local Artist Showcase “Reservoir of Jazz” Series Jazz enthusiasts can relax on the lawn at Highland Park to the sounds of performances by Pittsburgh’s finest musicians during the ever-popular “Reservoir of Jazz” series. This series is supported by the Highland Park Community Council and the Allegheny Regional Asset District (RAD). This series will take place each Sunday between August 6 – 27, from 5 – 7 p.m. at Highland Park on Highland Avenue and Reservoir Drive. Performances are as follows: August 6: Roger Humphries & the R.H. Factor Band August 13: Deanna Witkowski Trio August 20: MCG Jazz presents Aurora August 27: Reggie Watkins Quartet Learn More For more information and complete event schedules, visit pittsburghpa.gov/events. In case of inclement weather or event cancellation, follow @PghEventsOffice on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for updates throughout the summer. 2023 Dollar Bank Cinema in the Park In July and August, return to your favorite weekly movie location for Cinema in the Park. The 2023 schedule includes contemporary box office hits such as “Top Gun: Maverick,” “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever,” and “Lightyear”, while also offering classic titles including “Matilda” and “Jaws”. All movies are presented to the public free of charge and begin at dusk. Schenley Park – Schenley Plaza Movies at this venue are presented in partnership with Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy every Sunday between July 2 and August 27. Showings are as follows: July 2: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (PG) July 9: Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) July 16: Matilda (PG) July 23: DC League of Super-Pets (PG) July 30: Shrek (PG) August 6: Turning Red (PG) August 13: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) August 20: The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) August 27: Sunset Boulevard (1950) (not rated) West End Overlook – Rue Grande Vue Street Movies at this venue will take place Monday, July 3 and Monday, July 31. Showings are as follows: July 3: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (PG) July 31: Shrek (PG) Banksville Park – Crane Avenue Movies at this venue are presented in partnership with Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy on Monday, July 10, and Monday, August 7. Showings are as follows: July 10: Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) August 7: Turning Red (PG) McBride Park – McBride Street Movies at this venue will take place Monday, July 17 and Monday, August 14. Showings are as follows: July 17: Matilda (PG) August 14: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) Highland Park – Reservoir Drive Movies at this venue are presented in partnership with Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy on Monday, July 24, and Monday, August 21. Showings are as follows: July 24: DC League of Super-Pets (PG) August 21: The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) Ormsby Park – S. 22nd Street Movies at this venue will take place Tuesdays between July 11 and 25, and August 8 and 22. Showings are as follows: July 11: Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) July 25: DC League of Super-Pets (PG) August 8: Turning Red (PG) August 22: The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) Schenley Park – Flagstaff Hill Movies at this venue will take place each Wednesday between July 12 and August 30. Showings are as follows: July 12: Top Gun (1986) (PG-13) July 19: School of Rock (PG-13) July 26: Batman (1989) (PG-13) August 2: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (PG-13) August 9: The Batman (PG-13) August 16: Back to the Future (PG) August 23: Cave Rescue (PG-13) August 30: Cool Hand Luke (PG) Brookline Memorial Park – Oakridge Street Movies at this venue will take place Thursdays between July 6 and 20, and August 3 and 17. Showings are as follows: July 6: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (PG) July 20: Matilda (PG) August 3: Shrek (PG) August 17: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) Arsenal Park – 40th St. at Davison St Movies at this venue will take place Fridays between July 14 and 28, and August 11 and 25. Showings are as follows: July 14: Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) July 28: DC League of Super-Pets (PG) August 11: Turning Red (PG) August 25: The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) Grandview Park – Bailey Avenue Movies at this venue will take place each Saturday between July 1 and August 26. Showings are as follows: July 1: The Incredibles (PG) July 8: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (PG) July 15: Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) July 22: Matilda (PG) July 29: DC League of Super-Pets (PG) August 5: Shrek (PG) August 12: Turning Red (PG) August 19: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) August 26: The Super Mario Bros. Movie (PG) Riverview Park – Observatory Hill Movies at this venue will take place each Saturday between July 1 and August 26. Showings are as follows: July 1: Jaws (PG) July 8: Fall (PG-13) July 15: Top Gun (1986) (PG-13) July 22: School of Rock (PG-13) July 29: Batman (1989) (PG-13) August 5: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (PG-13) August 12: The Batman (PG-13) August 19: Back to the Future (PG) August 26: Cave Rescue (PG-13) Learn More Cinema in the Park is presented by Dollar Bank with 100.7 Star serving as media partner. 2023 Farmers Market All markets sell farm-fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, cheese, and baked goods, while several locations also sell flowers, small gifts, and hot prepared foods to go. The Squirrel Hill Market opens one week early, with a special market on Sunday, May 14 to celebrate Mother’s Day. This special day at our Squirrel Hill Market will include a photo booth and a Mother’s Day Card crafting table for kids. Normal market operations begin Sunday, May 21, and will run through November 20. 2023 Market Locations & Schedule The 2023 market locations and schedule are as follows: Sundays: Squirrel Hill, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Beacon/Bartlett parking lot May 14 – November 19 Mondays: East End, 3 – 7 p.m. Liberty Green Park, Larimer Ave. May 22 – November 20 Wednesdays: Carrick, 3 – 7 p.m. Carrick Dairy District, 1529 Brownsville Rd. May 24 – November 15 Fridays: North Side, 3 – 7 p.m. Allegheny Commons Park, East Ohio St. & Cedar Ave. May 26 – November 17 Learn More All four CitiParks Farmers Markets accept food stamps (SNAP), and credit and debit cards as part of Just Harvest’s Fresh Access program. SNAP shoppers can get fresh, nutritious, and locally-grown food, including produce, meat, dairy, bread and baked goods, produce plants, seeds, and honey. (Hot prepared food items, alcohol, and non-food items are not eligible for SNAP purchases.) Food Bucks give Fresh Access food stamp shoppers extra money to spend on fruits and veggies. For every $5 spent on food stamps, receive an extra $2 to spend on produce. For more information, visit justharvest.org/fresh-access This year, the East End Market will feature a booth operated by Catapult who will rotate through new food entrepreneurs as part of their food business incubator program. 25 Carrick will provide entertainment for the Carrick Market with DJs from their youth apprenticeship program. CitiParks is also excited to help foster the next generation of up-and-coming young farmers and budding Pittsburgh urban growers with a shared communal stand at the Squirrel Hill Market. One additional surprise for this year’s Markets is an original oil painting by local artist Marlon Gist, commissioned by the City. Marlon’s painting captures the colorful spirit of Farmers Markets, and; his artwork will be on display during opening week at all 4 Markets.
May 10, 2023 Storytelling Spectacular Summer Camp – Afternoon Session Summer doesn’t have to mean their learning is over! Budding artists can learn something new or explore their favorite art forms during Trust Arts Education Camps for Creatives. For early learners (ages three-to-five), there will be two half day sessions focused on storytelling and early literacy. Storytelling Spectacular Summer Camp is created for the youngest audiences in mind. This camp will engage learners three- to five-years-old in the world of storytelling. Storytelling occurs in many different ways–teaching artists will lead the students in visual art, creative play, movement, and music. When: Monday, July 24 | Afternoon session begins at 1 p.m. Where: Trust Arts Education Center, 807 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222 Afternoon Session Details: Critters of all shapes and sizes will guide the storytelling for the afternoon sessions. Campers will experience stories about different animals and engage with the stories through all mediums of art; move your body like jungle critters, create a visual representation of sea critters, make sounds like farm critters–the possibilities are endless! We ensure a seamless and quick drop off and pick up process for all summer camps. Students will be ready to go when you arrive between 3:30 – 4 p.m. Students should plan to pack a lunch, water, and snacks. Campers must be FULLY potty-trained prior to the beginning of camp. If the cost of these camps is a hindrance to your participation, please email george@trustarts.org. To learn more and grab your tickets, visit Storytelling Spectacular Afternoon Session event page.
March 7, 2023 A+ Schools and Pittsburgh Learning Collaborative Summer Opportunities Fair A+ Schools and the Pittsburgh Learning Collaborative will host a free Summer Opportunities Fair on Saturday, April 1, 2023 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Families that attend can enjoy free lunch, music, and games while meeting vendors and summer program providers who will help families register for available slots. Opportunities for attendees include: Registering for available summer programming. Applying on-site for summer, part-time, or full-time opportunities for teens and adults. Getting a head start on acquiring needed clearances for jobs. When: Saturday, April 1st 11am – 3pm Where: Manchester Academic Charter School (MACS), 1214 Liverpool St, Pittsburgh, PA 15233 There will also be raffle baskets and other fun activities. Parking is free. To sign up, visit the event registration page. Contact Nichole at nsims@aplusschools.org or call 412-256-8536 for more information or questions.
December 22, 2020 PPS Summer Dreamers Academy 2021 RFP Pittsburgh Public Schools is looking for enrichment providers to support the 2021 Summer Dreamers Academy. Proposals must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on January 15, 2021. About The Summer Dreamers Academy is a no-cost, premier summer learning camp that offers high-quality academic lessons in English Language Arts and Mathematics and engaging enrichment activities to current Pittsburgh Public School students who have completed grades K-5. Summer Dreamers Academy aims to encourage a passion for learning and exploration and to motivate their campers to persist in the face of challenges. Afternoon enrichment activities play a key part in helping their campers develop the curiosity, self-confidence, and perseverance that are at the core of these two goals. Download the RFP If you are interested in submitting a proposal, download the RFP. All proposals must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on January 15, 2021. More Information For questions, please contact Melanie Claxton at mclaxton1@pghschools.org. For more information, watch this short video and visit the Pittsburgh Public Schools website. Information provided by APOST