February 22, 2023 ELPA Poll Shows Strong Support for Investments into Early Childhood A new poll, commissioned by the Early Learning PA Coalition and conducted by Susquehanna Polling and Research from February 1 – 7, 2023, found that 98% of PA voters believe that early childhood education is important. The poll also showed strong voter support for increased investment for early care and education programs like pre-k, high-quality child care and home visiting services. There has been significant growth in voter’s overall support from a June 2022 poll, where 90% of voters said they found early childhood education to be important. Poll Details Partners of the Early Learning PA Coalition released the new polling data on voter support for early childhood care and education programs during a press conference held on Tuesday, February, 21, 2023 at the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg, PA. According to the poll: 78% of PA voters support increasing state funding to serve more eligible children in pre-k programs, which is an increase from 65% in 2022; 78% of PA voters also support increasing state funding to help more low-income working families afford high-quality child care, up from 67% in 2022; 68% of PA voters support increasing state funding to provide voluntary home visiting services to eligible families , up from 60% in 2022; and 81% of PA voters favor allocating state funding to increase wages of child care workers. “As we start budget season here in Harrisburg, the partners of the Early Learning PA Coalition urge Governor Shapiro and all members of the General Assembly to respond to this level of voter support for growing the Commonwealth’s investments in early care and education,” said Kristen Rotz, President of the United Way of Pennsylvania and principal partner in the Early Learning PA Coalition. “Pennsylvania must make these programs more accessible to children and families that qualify and further stabilize and strengthen the system by addressing historic teacher shortages caused by low wages.” said Rotz. Visit the Pre-K for PA Facebook page to watch the February 21, 2023 press conference in full.
January 25, 2023 School Readiness and African American Boys: The Journey – Part I Part of a three-part series, this initial webinar, hosted by the Office of Head Start and its National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL), will highlight several key strategies that programs and education staff can use to create more responsive and strength-driven learning experiences for young African American boys. Panelists will share how their lived, learning experiences have shaped their identities. Attendees will learn about Head Start’s approach to meeting the unique needs of young African American boys and their families. This webinar is offered with English and Spanish captioning. Session Details Tuesday, February 7, 2023 | 3 – 4 p.m. Virtual Register
January 23, 2023 Caring for Children with Special Health Care Needs Child care health consultants (CCHCs) give unique support to early childhood programs as staff manage children’s health conditions. Many factors, including race and ethnicity, and where children live and play affect positive health outcomes for children with special health care needs. CCHCs who understand social determinants of health and differences in health care access can work strategically with programs to address new or chronic health conditions by developing care plans and by training staff. Join this webinar, hosted by the Office of Head Start‘s National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety (NCHBHS) and Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC), to explore strategies CCHCs can use to support staff and families in caring for children with special health care needs. Learn how managing chronic health conditions helps prepare children for success in school. Session Details Thursday, February 2, 2023 | 1 – 2 p.m. Virtual Register
January 20, 2023 Nominations Open for Francine Bunch Memorial Award Celebrate the successes of your Head Start or Early Head Start program by nominating a Head Start parent or staff member for the Francine Bunch Memorial Award. Learn More The Francine Bunch Memorial Award is awarded to one parent and one staff person, each with a Pennsylvania Head Start Association (PHSA) member organization, who displays the qualities of the late Francine Bunch, who started as a parent and ultimately became a Parent Involvement Coordinator with the Lancaster Child Development Program’s Head Start . Learn more about Bunch. Eligibility This honor may be awarded to one parent and one staff person each year. They must meet the following criteria: The nominee(s) is a parent, staff member or former parent who is affiliated with a dues paying member program of the Association. The nominee(s) is actively involved with their local program and the program clearly benefits from their involvement. The nominee(s) takes initiative in growing her/his professional development while involved in the local program. The nominee(s) is involved in other local community activities. The nominee(s) serves as a positive role model for parents and staff alike. The nominee(s) promotes positive working relationships between parents, staff and friends at the local, state or federal level. Nominations Staff from a PHSA dues paying program may nominate a parent, former parent and/or coworker for the Francine Bunch Award. To nominate a candidate, staff must complete the Francine Bunch Nomination Form in full and attach a narrative that describes how the nominee meets the six criteria above. Each nomination form and accompanying narrative will be evaluated by the PHSA Scholarships and Awards Committee, and one parent and one staff person will be selected to receive the award. Award winners are recognized with a commemorative plaque during PHSA’s Annual Spring Conference. Deadline The application packet is available at the PHSA website. All applications must be received by 3 p.m. on Thursday, March 2, 2023.
November 2, 2022 Call for Presenters for 2023 Annual PA Pre-K Counts and Head Start Meeting The Pennsylvania Key in support of Pennsylvania’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is calling for presenters for its annual Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts and Head Start Supplemental Assistance Grantee Meeting. The meeting will be held March 8 – 9, 2023 at the Kalahari Resorts and Conventions in Poconos, PA. This event is in-person; however, a web-based option will be offered should health/safety restrictions prohibit attendance at the in-person event. Those interested are asked to submit a proposal that aligns with the theme, Building Bridges that Support Growth, Development and Connections. Attendees will be able to earn professional development credits including Act 48 and PA ECE Registry hours. The deadline to submit your proposal is Friday, November 18, 2022. Presentation Topics Presentation topics should align with the following topics/areas of interest. Topics for Teachers: Project Approach MyTeachstone Peer Learning Circles Creative Curriculum LearnERS Authentic Assessment Trauma Informed Care Developmental Appropriateness Transitions and Parent Engagement Inclusive Practices Purposeful Play and Conversations Child Data, Outcomes and Implementation Topics for Administrators: Fiscal Responsibilities Homelessness Unique Collaborations/Community Partnerships Business Practices – What’s the Purple Cow? Inclusive Policies Recruitment, Retention and Teacher Support Developmental Appropriateness – What to look for in Pre-K classrooms Community Needs Assessment & Enrollment Practices Presenters will be notified of acceptance, including additional details about the event, by no later than Friday, December 16, 2022. For questions or more information, contact a team member at conferencehelp@pakeys.org. For more information and to access the online proposal submission form, visit the PA Key website.
New Opportunities Available to Families to Help Impact Early Learning in PA Two new exciting opportunities are available for families to share their experiences and make an impact in Pennsylvania’s early learning. P3D/PDO Family Voices Parents as Partners in Professional Development (P3D), with the Pennsylvania Professional Development Organizations (PDO), are recruiting a cohort of families to participate in P3D/PDO Family Voices. Family members of young children who attend an early childhood program in Pennsylvania are invited to apply. P3D/PDO Family Voices seeks a diverse group of families who have experiences with many aspects of early childhood services in Pennsylvania like child care, PA Pre-K Counts, Head Start, Early Intervention, Home Visiting, etc. Reimbursement for travel and child care costs are provided to participants. Learn More about P3D/PDO. Applications are due Friday, November 18, 2022 and all applicants must agree to attending the full day virtual training on December 6, 2022. Access the P3D/PDO application. Interstate Family Engagement Leadership Collaborative Families are invited to serve on the Collaborative Action for Family Engagement (CAFE)’s Interstate Family Engagement Leadership Collaborative. As a critical partner in the early childhood field, families are invited to serve in a leadership capacity on CAFE’s Advisory Board to share their expertise to implement high-impact school, family, and community engagement strategies. Family Leaders will commit to an estimated two hours a month for meetings, and compensation/reimbursement is provided for a stipend and mileage. Reimbursement for mileage will be offered for any in-person meetings or training. Please direct any questions to Jessica Webster (Pennsylvania Advisory Council). Learn more about CAFE Interstate Family Engagement Leadership Collaborative. Applications are due Friday, November 11, 2022. Access the CAFE application.
October 5, 2022 October is Head Start Awareness Month October is Head Start Awareness Month and it aims to spread awareness about a crucial program that benefits millions of children, caregivers, and families throughout the nation. Since its inception, Head Start has served 37 million children; helping them to build necessary skills to be successful in school and life. About Head Start Head Start is a federal program that promotes the school readiness of children from birth through ages five that is available to families with incomes no more than 100 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. The program provides a learning environment that supports the cognitive, social, and emotional development of participating children. Many Head Start programs also offer Early Head Start, which serves infants, toddlers, and pregnant women and their families who have incomes below the federal poverty level. To learn more about Head Start, visit Benefits.gov. Benefits of Head Start Did you know that children participating in Head Start programs have increased access to health care and improved physical health throughout their lifetimes? Evidence shows that Head Start children: were served more fruits, vegetables, and milk and fewer sweetened beverages and other sweets and snacks, when compared to other child care sites; are three times as likely to have healthy eating patterns as non-participants; who received 60 minutes of outdoor playtime were 42% less likely to be obese at the end of the program year; received sleep health interventions that increased their sleep duration and decreased their behavioral sleep problems; had access to regular screenings, immunizations, well-child visits, dental and nutrition services, healthy meals, and social service programs such as SNAP and WIC; and were less likely to be hospitalized for accident or injury, missed fewer school days, and had fewer emergency hospital visits. Resources Head Start’s six decades of experience leans on taking a comprehensive approach by providing a framework that meets social, emotional, psychological, nutritional, and health needs of children. In support and celebration of #HeadStartAwareness Month, Trying Together has compiled Head Start resources to spread awareness of the importance of this federal program: Pennsylvania 2022 Head Start & Early Head Start Profile Head Start Awareness Month Digital Toolkit Data Brief on Child Safety in Head Start Programs Head Start Program Facts: Fiscal Year 2021 Text4FamilyServices Available for Head Start Professionals Learn More To learn more about the Head Start program and eligibility requirements, or to find a Head Start provider near you, visit the Office of Head Start’s website.
June 17, 2022 New Text4FamilyServices Available for Head Start Professionals On June 16, The National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (NCPFCE) launched its new Text4FamilyServices. The text messaging service is dedicated to supporting and enhancing the vital work of Head Start and Early Head Start family services professionals, supervisors, and other staff who work directly with families. About Text4FamilyServices is a messaging service that supports the work of Head Start and Early Head Start family services staff, their supervisors, and other program staff who work with families. Individuals who sign up, will receive free text messages, including: Two to three texts messages per month with information and links to helpful resources to strengthen their practice with families Additional messages about: Upcoming parent, family, and community engagement (PFCE) professional development opportunities and new resources Office of Head Start campaigns and initiatives Subscribe To subscribe for Text4FamilyServices, text PFCE to (toll-free) 833-302-0206. Select your job title [family services staff, supervisor, other] and preferred language [English or Spanish] to start receiving free PFCE (Parent, Families and Community Engagement) text messages. Text STOP to (toll-free) 833-302-0206 to unsubscribe or HELP for technical assistance or reach out to pfce@ecetta.info. Learn more about Text4FamilyServices.
May 3, 2022 Pre-K Counts and Head Start Enrollment The Allegheny Intermediate Unit is enrolling for Pre-K Counts and Head Start programs, which provide high-quality pre-kindergarten education for children who are three to five years old and not eligible for kindergarten. About Pre-K Counts The Allegheny Intermediate Unit Pre-K Counts Program provides high quality pre-kindergarten classroom education for children. Eligibility Preference given to children eligible for kindergarten the following school year Households that meet income guidelines (up to 300% of the federal poverty level) Call 412-394-5863 for more information, classroom locations, or to enroll. Head Start The Head Start program provides eligible preschool children with high quality, comprehensive, in-home or classroom programming designed to support school readiness skills. The program offers services that include health and wellness, education, social services, and family engagement. Eligibility Households currently receiving TANF cash, SSI, are homeless, or a foster parent for children ages 3-5 Households that meet income guidelines (up to 100% of the federal poverty level) Call 412-394-4594 for more information and classroom locations or complete the online pre-application form. Find Other Pre-K Counts and Head Start Programs Families can find Head Start program in their community through the Head Start Provider Locator and Pre-K Counts programs on the COMPASS website. For assistance from the ELRC Region 5, call 412.350.3577 or email elrc5@alleghenycounty.us.
February 14, 2022 Request for Applications: 2022-23 PA Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) will use a competitive Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program (HSSAP) Request for Application (RFA) process for fiscal year 2022-23. The intent of HSSAP is to increase the number of low-income, Head Start-eligible children receiving high quality pre-kindergarten services in Pennsylvania. Governor Wolf’s proposed 2022-23 state budget expands HSSAP by $10 million. With this expansion funding, the state will be able to increase the number of children served in high-quality pre-kindergarten. About HSSAP funding is awarded competitively on a five-year grant cycle. Fiscal year 2022-23 begins a new five-year cycle. All current HSSAP grantees, as well as any new, eligible applicants must apply during this competitive RFA process. This RFA is intended to support providers in preparing to serve and enroll children by September 2022. The RFA is being released February 2022 to give providers time to conduct outreach to families; recruit, hire and train staff; and plan for implementing the program, pending grant approval. Applicants may submit funding proposals aligned with the program models outlined in the Head Start Program Performance Standards 1302 Part B. The ceiling or limit on the potential number of slots that may be awarded to any applicant will depend upon a county’s unmet need percentages and the amount of funding available. Funding is contingent upon approval by the Pennsylvania General Assembly. HSSAP grants are funded via state dollars and, therefore, carryover funds are not permitted. All grant dollars identified in this FY 2021-22 application must be encumbered or spent by June 30, 2022. Eligibility Eligible entities include: Head Start grantees; and Early Head Start grantees. Successful applicants MUST demonstrate: Current federal funding for Head Start or Early Head Start as a grantee or delegate; and No uncorrected deficiencies from the most current federal Monitoring Review. Applicants must also have the following in place to complete an application: REQUIRED Letter of Intent (information below); Vendor number (SAP #); Administrative unit number (AUN); Master provider index number (MPI); and Federal ID number or tax ID number. How to Apply All information relevant to the application process is available in the HSSAP Application Guidance. HSSAP applicants must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) using the template posted online. The LOI represents the applicant’s intent to apply for HSSAP funding and includes preliminary information about requested funding, program model, provider type, and area to be served. Information submitted in the LOI may be modified in the final eGrants application. Eligible applicants who apply for HSSAP funding must provide assurance that they operate in full compliance with the federal Head Start Performance Standards as reported on their Integrated Monitoring Report. They also must assure they will provide updates to OCDEL and the Head Start Collaboration Office director when changes in their compliance occur. Failure to report changes may jeopardize current or future grant funding. Programs interested in applying must submit a fully completed LOI by 3 p.m. on February 25, 2022 to RA-PAPreKCounts@pa.gov. Programs that do not submit the LOI will not be able to access or submit a funding application in the eGrants system. Late submissions will not be accepted. Agencies submitting a fully complete LOI by the due date will be notified when the HSSAP application is open in eGrants. More Information A pre-application webinar will be held virtually on February 23, 2022 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. To register for the webinar, visit the HSSAP Virtual Bidders Conference registration page. The recording will be posted at HSSAP How to Apply shortly after to assist interested applicants in the completion of the application. The Bidder’s Conference will include information on the application process and program requirements and participation is highly encouraged. In addition to the Bidder’s Conference, applicants are encouraged to view the asynchronous Grant Writing 101 course found in the Professional Development (PD) Registry. This course provides general tips on how to approach grant writing. A PD Registry login is required to access this course. For questions, contact PDE by sending an email to RA-PAPreKCounts@pa.gov.