
December 20, 2018

OCDEL Reports Progress on Infant/Toddler Policies

In 2017, the PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) and stakeholders completed a policy scan with National State Capacity Building Center that identified short, medium, and long-term policy goals to support infants and toddlers in Pennsylvania.

Goal Progress

OCDEL is proud to report progress on those goals:

Short-Term Goal

The short-term goal to “adopt a shared definition of relationship-based care” across the ECE system is underway. OCDEL and Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) staff, in partnership with the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement, are focusing on Relationship-Based Competencies and developing shared definitions and language across systems.

Medium-Term Goal

The medium-term goal is to “develop a triaging protocol that creates a system akin to Early Head Start that will connect families of infants and toddlers in child care with comprehensive health (including oral) and family support services in their community.” This goal is reflected in the work of the ELRCs which are charged with ensuring all families have access to needed services beyond child care, such as CHIP, WIC, and family supports, including home visiting.

Long-Term Goal

The long-term goal is to “explore vouchers and contracts that fund the true cost of serving infants and toddlers.” Through the Infant/Toddler Contracted Slot Pilot, OCDEL is piloting contracted slots for infants and toddlers in Keystone STAR 3 and 4 programs. The pilot seeks to understand how contracted slots can support continuity of care for infants, toddlers, and their families and the financial impact on high-quality providers interested in seeking financial stability for the classrooms serving their youngest learners.

More Information

Additional details will be released in later editions of the PA Early Ed News.

*Information provided by the PA Early Ed News


November 16, 2018

NAEYC Invites ECE Professionals to #ProtectFamilies

In today’s world, each new day brings an onslaught of information, images, data, and stories. While immigrant families with young children may cycle in and out of the front pages, the need for early childhood educators from all backgrounds to stand together to protect and support them continues to capture our time and attention.

As an active member of the Protecting Immigrant Families campaign, NAEYC continues to stand against family separation, and to stand in opposition to the new proposed regulation on “public charge,” which they believe would punish parents and harm children. With stories of two-year-olds in court and tent cities on the border, NAEYC remains deeply concerned about what has happened and what will happen to the hundreds of children still separated from their families, as well as what will happen to the families yet to be detained.


Opportunities to Stay Informed and Advocate

Speak Up, Speak Out

If you believe in a world in which all young children can thrive and learn, our society must be dedicated to ensuring that they reach their full potential. This world does not include incarcerating children, separating them from their families, or forcing families to stop accessing critical services and supports because they are afraid. Rather, NAEYC understands and upholds the bonds between children and their families, and, as advocates, calls for individuals to speak up and out to defend those bonds.

Recognize the power of your voice and actions, and stay engaged as NAEYC members move forward on this and many other issues facing our children, families, and educators.

*Information provided by NAEYC*


November 13, 2018

The State of Maker Learning in Southwest PA and Beyond

Join education practitioners in a discussion of the State of Maker Learning in SW PA and Beyond on November 15th at CoLab18. This event, through lightning talks and group discussion, will serve as a catalyst to better understand the maker space landscape in Pittsburgh, obtain ideas from national makers, and generate new ideas for all. Click here to learn more and to register.

Speakers Include:

Light breakfast and lunch provided.

*Event information provided by APOST*


November 12, 2018

PSAYDN Annual Partners’ Retreat

Focusing on policy development, coordination of quality initiatives, and sustainability, the PSAYDN Annual Partners’ Retreat provides professional development opportunities for OST professionals, school administrators, teachers, nonprofits, policymakers, and more. Register here to attend.

PSAYDN Retreat and PENN SACCA Conference

For the first time, the PSAYDN Retreat and PENN SACCA Conference will run consecutively to provide additional opportunities for OST advocates and professionals to receive professional development and participate in networking activities.

National and State Experts Will Discuss:

  • STEM and Advocacy
  • Career Pathways
  • Social-Emotional Learning
  • Behavioral Development
  • Substance Abuse Prevention
  • Sustainability and Partnerships
  • Leadership Development

Act 48 credits available.