January 29, 2025 PA Equity in Early Childhood Education Champion Award Application Deadline Extended The deadline for the 2025 Pennsylvania Equity in Early Childhood Education Champion Award has been extended to Friday, January 31. Learn More The award brings awareness to and highlights the equity work within Pennsylvania’s early childhood education settings, including child care, as well as evidence-based home visiting, and early intervention programs. This year’s awardees will be invited to attend the annual celebration at the Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg during April’s Month of the Young Child. Invitations to elected legislators to attend the ceremony are encouraged. Awardees will also receive a certificate and commemorative poster to display in their programs and access to website, newsletter, and social media promotional support. They will also receive an opportunity to participate in a state library tour at the Forum Building in Harrisburg and a tour of the state capitol. Applicants must demonstrate how the individual, early childhood, or afterschool program has supported children and their families through embracing diversity and full inclusion as strengths, upholding fundamental principles of fairness and justice, and/or working to eliminate structural inequities that limit equitable learning opportunities. The application must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on Friday, January 31. For more information or to apply, visit The Pennsylvania Key website.
December 19, 2024 Registration Open for Trying Together’s Annual Celebration of Early Childhood Educators Dinner Trying Together will host its Annual Celebration of Early Childhood Educators Dinner on April 10. Registration is now open for the event. Learn More The dinner is held to celebrate early childhood educators during April’s Month of the Young Child. The event includes a dinner, photo booth, prizes, and more. This year’s dinner will run from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 10 at Acrisure Stadium, located at 100 Art Rooney Ave. in Pittsburgh. Individual tickets are $15 and groups of 10 may purchase tickets at a discounted rate of $135. Registrants are encouraged to consider the value of individual and group rate tickets – $140 and $1,400, respectively – and contribute more if they are willing and able to do so. This is a high-demand event, so seating will be based on a first-come, first-served basis that evening and reserved tables will not be available. Free parking will be available for guests. Registration will close when capacity is met or by March 28. Businesses, organizations, and individuals can recognize early childhood caregivers by purchasing full-color advertisements to appear in the 2025 Annual Celebration of Early Childhood Educators Dinner program book. The deadline to reserve an ad or name in the recognition list is Friday, January 17. Those interested in attending can register now. Any questions should be emailed to info@tryingtogether.org. Month of the Young Child First established in 1971 by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the Week of the Young Child was an opportunity to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. Due to growing interest and focus, Trying Together later designated the entire month of April as the Month of the Young Child. It is recognized as a time during which the dedicated work of early educators is promoted for the essential role that it plays in society.
April 16, 2024 Make a Month of the Young Child Donation April is the Month of the Young Child, which emphasizes the importance of early child care and celebrates organizations that provide vital services. Trying Together supports the work of early childhood by facilitating inclusive learning opportunities for early educators. By providing numerous pathways for early learning professionals to grow in their careers, Trying Together helps to ensure that every child has access to high-quality early care and education that prepares them for their future. Empower Early Childhood Development You can help empower early child care professionals by making a donation for the Month of the Young Child. Gifts of any amount will help and are appreciated. However, these suggested amounts would directly impact quality improvements for regional early learning programs: $50 helps to cover the average cost for one early educator to attend a Trying Together professional learning course. $500 covers the cost for an early educator to complete necessary job requirements as well as receive support from Trying Together through the Child Care 101: New Hire Orientation Professional Development Series. $2,500 provides an early educator the opportunity to grow in their career by obtaining a Child Development Associate (CDA) Certificate or School-Age Professional Credential offered by Trying Together. If you’re interested in supporting the Month of the Young Child campaign or learning more about how to work with Trying Together, contact Kerry May at 412-206-1053 or email kerry@tryingtogether.org.
April 1, 2024 April is the Month of the Young Child April has been designated as the Month of the Young Child. Trying Together has planned a month full of events and opportunities to tout the importance of early child care and celebrate organizations that provide vital services. History The Week of the Young Child was first established in 1971 by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Its aim was to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and recognize early childhood programs and services that are centered around those needs. Over time, increased interest led Trying Together to designate the entire month of April as the Month of the Young Child (MOYC). We celebrate MOYC to elevate the important work of families and early care and education professionals, who strive to meet the needs of the young children in their care. MOYC-in-a-Box Early learning programs can request a mailed box of materials related to the month. Materials include posters to display at program locations or to give to businesses to promote the importance of child care in the community; buttons for staff and families to wear in April; and printed materials and resources from Trying Together and Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) Region 5. To request the MOYC box of materials, fill out this form. Materials are available on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. The last day to request materials is Friday, April 12. Events There are a number of great events to celebrate the Month of the Young Child. These include: 2024 Annual Celebration of Early Childhood Educators Dinner – Trying Together will join early care and education colleagues from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 25 at Acrisure Stadium for dinner, a photo booth, and prizes. There is currently a wait-list for this event. Homewood Early Learning Block Party – This free event will feature craft activities as well as face painting, dancing, and other activities. There will be resources from organizations in Homewood and the Pittsburgh region for caregivers and families. The event will be held from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 13 at the Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center. Affirming Black Joy: Race, Identity, and Early Childhood – The Positive Racial Identity Development in Early Education (P.R.I.D.E.) program’s spring speaker series event will feature Trying Together’s Cara Ciminillo as a guest speaker. This virtual event will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10. Registration for this event is now open. Education Affiliate Dinner and Lecture – Beginning at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 18, this event at Saint Vincent College will feature a dinner and lecture with Todd Whitaker, a leading authority on staff motivation, teacher leadership, and principal effectiveness. The event kicks off at 5 p.m. at the college’s Event and Conference Center and the lecture will follow at 7 p.m. at the Carey Performing Arts Center. More details are available on the college’s Education Department website. NAEYC Week of the Young Child – The NAEYC will celebrate daily themes as part of its Week of the Young Child from April 6 to 12. Visit the NAEYC’s website for more information on the daily themes and activity resources.
March 29, 2024 Resources for April Observances Various organizations, states, and nations recognize several observances each month. Resources help parents, caregivers, and childcare professionals acknowledge and navigate them. Here is a list of resources for April observances: Month-Long Observances Month of the Young Child Month of the Young Child, Trying Together 2024 Annual Celebration of Early Childhood Educators Dinner, Trying Together 2024 Homewood Early Learning Block Party, Trying Together Affirming Black Joy: Race, Identity, and Early Childhood, Trying Together Celebrate Diversity Month A Celebration of Diversity in Pittsburgh, Visit Pittsburgh Events, Pittsburgh Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion World Autism Month Autism Acceptance Month, University of Pittsburgh World Autism Month, American Autism Association Family Guide for Early Intervention and Inclusion in Allegheny County, Trying Together Upcoming Events, Autism Pittsburgh A Sensory Friendly Guide to Pittsburgh, Visit Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Autism Services, The Children’s Institute National Child Abuse Prevention Month Developmentally Appropriate Practice: A Guide for Parents, Trying Together Resources to Keep Kids Safe, Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Managing Problem Behavior at Home, Child Mind Institute National Child Abuse Prevention Month, Child Welfare Information Gateway Strategies for Reducing Inequity in Child Protection: Addressing Bias, Child Welfare Information Gateway Sexual Assault Awareness Month National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) Sexual Violence Education, Pennsylvania Department of Health Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2024, National Sexual Violence Resource Center Medical Treatment for Sexual Assault, UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital National Resources for Sexual Assault Survivors and Their Loved Ones, Rape, Incest, and Abuse National Network (RAINN) A Guide for Friends and Family of Sexual Assault Survivors, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) Caring for Kids: What Parents Need to Know About Sexual Abuse, National Child Traumatic Stress Network Week-Long Observances April 6-12 is the Week of the Young Child Week of the Young Child, National Association for the Education of Young Children Week of the Young Child Events, Carnegie Science Center April 7-13 is National Library Week National Library Week Activities Scheduled at Northland Public Library in McCandless, TribLive April 22-26 is Every Kid Healthy Week Take Action During Every Kid Healthy Week, Action for Healthy Kids Day Observances April 2 is International Children’s Book Day International Children’s Book Day 2024, Awareness Days The 100 Best Children’s Books of All Time, Time Magazine The Complete Checklist: 100 Must-Read Books, Scholastic April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day Call for Participation: UN World Autism Awareness Day Event 2024, LinkedIn April 4 is National School Librarian Day National School Librarian Day 2024 Celebration Ideas, We Are Teachers National School Librarian Day, There is a Day for That April 5 is National Self Care Day Caring for the Caregiver, Trying Together Grandfamily Tip Sheets Provide Information on Self-Care and Youth Mental Health, Generations United April 6 is National Library Day National Library Day, Holiday Calendar National Library Day, April 6, 2024, National Today Events, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh April 15 is National American Sign Language Day 44 Incredible Ways to Teach Sign Language to Your Kids, Teaching Expertise 7 Children’s Books About Deafness, Deaf Unity April 21 is National Kindergarten Day National Kindergarten Day, National Day Calendar Top 10 Kindergarten Readiness Skills, Hi5! Kindergarten Transition, Trying Together Kindergarten Registration Information for the 2024-25 School Year: Allegheny County, Trying Together Kindergarten Registration Information for the 2024-25 School Year: Westmoreland, Fayette, Armstrong, Greene, and Butler Counties, Trying Together April 22 is Earth Day Wild Earth Music, Art, and Culture Festival, Pittsburgh Earth Day History of Earth Day, National Geographic Kids Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Announces Earth Day Events in April, Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Honoring Earth Month in Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy April 23 is World Book Day Book Request Form, Reading Ready Pittsburgh Buzzword Words & Activities, Buzzword World Book Day, Worldbookday.com World Book Day 2024, National Literacy Trust Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Book Lists, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
March 8, 2023 Trying Together Offering MOYC Opportunities Trying Together is offering families, community members, and child care providers a number of opportunities to celebrate Month of the Young Child. MOYC-in-a-Box Trying Together is offering child care programs in Allegheny County the opportunity to receive Month of the Young Child (MOYC) materials. Programs may request a mailed box of materials related to Month of the Young Child including: Posters to display at their program location or to give to local businesses to promote the importance of child care in the community Buttons for staff and families to wear during the month of April Printed materials and resources from Trying Together and ELRC Region 5 A copy of this year’s PA One Book, “Mel Fell” by Corey R. Tabor Materials will be shipped by the end of March, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. Request your MOYC box. Month of the Young Child Events MOYC Resource Open House Friday, April 7 The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center, 7219 Kelly St., Pittsburgh, PA 15208 Details to come Student Affiliate Dinner Wednesday, April 12 | 5 – 8:30 p.m. Seton Hill University, Cecilian Hall Administration Building (2nd Floor), 1 Seton Hill Dr., Greensburg, PA 15601 Register Homewood Block Party Saturday, April 15 | 12 – 4 p.m. The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center, 7219 Kelly St., Pittsburgh, PA 15208 Pre-registration not required Annual Celebration Dinner Thursday, April 27 | 6 – 8:30 p.m. Acrisure Stadium, UPMC Club, 100 Art Rooney Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Register About Month of the Young Child First established by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) in 1971, the Week of the Young Child is an opportunity to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.Over the years, with growing interest and focus, Trying Together designated the entire month of April as the Month of the Young Child (MOYC). In April 2023, we will offer opportunities to elevate and celebrate early childhood by providing resources, hosting, co-hosting, and participating in child and caregiver -focused events, and working with early learning programs to share MOYC materials and experiences. Learn More To learn more about Month of the Young Child, visit Trying Together’s Month of the Young Child webpage.
April 28, 2021 New Resources from Trying Together As Month of the Young Child comes to a close, Trying Together is featuring several resources that were released throughout April. These resources further Trying Together’s mission to supports high-quality care and education for young children by providing advocacy, community resources, and professional growth opportunities for the needs and rights of children, their families, and the individuals who interact with them. New Resources DAP Series Parts IV, V, and VI As an early childhood nonprofit, Trying Together recognizes that a child’s parent is their first and most important caregiver. That’s why we created the Developmentally Appropriate Parenting (DAP) Series to assist parents and caregivers in creating high-quality learning experiences at the earliest stages of their child’s life. The series features digital and print content that provides information on critical early childhood topics. As of April 2021, six Parts have been published, including: Part I: Developmentally Appropriate Practice; Part II: Childhood Physical Health; Part III: Child Care; Part IV: Early Intervention and Inclusion; Part V: Safety and Emergencies; and Part VI: Social-Emotional Development. Resources will continue to be added through 2022 as additional Parts are finalized. Parenting Together Pathway The Parenting Together Pathway is a video-based learning series to provide high-quality information on early childhood development to parents and caregivers in Allegheny County and surrounding areas. Launched in April 2021, the Parenting Together Pathway provides families the opportunity to learn more about: brain development; play; interactions and relationships; technology; child care; and advocacy to better support their children’s healthy growth. Additional videos will be released through 2021. Recess Advocacy Toolkit In partnership with the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative and thanks to support from The Grable Foundation and Remake Learning Tomorrow Grants, the Recess Advocacy Team created a Recess Advocacy Toolkit. As schools shift from remote learning back to in-person education, the importance of play and recess must be at the forefront of the conversation around reopening schools and helping children adjust to a changed educational environment. This toolkit highlights research, strategies, and advocacy opportunities for play and physical activity at home and at school.
March 19, 2019 Tech Tuesday: Food Science! Join the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh to delve into the science of sprouting food scraps! Did you know you can “force” carrot tops, sprout avocado pits, and regrow celery? Look closely and learn about science experiments to try at home. This program is drop-in, so guests may come and go as they please! This program is designed for our youngest learners (0-5) but is suitable for all ages. For more information, visit the event page!
March 4, 2019 Month of The Young Child Events Announced Throughout April, early childhood nonprofit Trying Together will host and highlight local events in celebration of the Month of the Young Child (MOYC). Held annually in April, MOYC is a month-long celebration in recognition of the important role that early childhood care and education play in the lives of children and families. “While we designate April as the time of year when we formally recognize early care and education professionals and family caregivers with special events, we want them to know we value them for the important work they do everyday to support healthy development for the young children the care for and educate,” said Cara Ciminillo, Executive Director of Trying Together. MOYC Organization Event Submissions New this year, local nonprofits hosting events for young children in April are invited to submit details to Trying Together for inclusion in promotions. Organizations interested in submitting their events must meet the following requirements: The event is hosted in April The event is open to the public The event features opportunities for young children (birth – nine), explores early childhood topics, or provides professional development opportunities for early childhood educators, families, and/or professionals To submit your events, visit tryingtogether.org. For questions on applying, contact Maria Pisano at 412.421.3889 or maria@tryingtogether.org. Annual Celebration Dinner On Thursday, April 4 from 5:00 – 7:30 p.m., Trying Together will host its their Annual Celebration Dinner at the Carnegie Museum of Art. This event, featuring keynote speaker Illah Nourbakhsh, CMU CREATE Lab Director of the Community Robotics, Education, and Technology Empowerment, will bring together local early childhood care and education professionals in celebration of the work they do to support Pennsylvania’s youngest generation. Guests will enjoy a dinner buffet, photo booth, prizes, and more. Tickets are currently available online for $12 per person, or $100 for a Director’s Table, at tryingtogether.org. Update This year’s Annual Celebration Dinner is officially sold-out! If you still require a ticket, Trying Together may be able to accommodate the request. Please contact Sharon Seitam at 412.421.3889 or sharon@tryingtogether.org. The Student Affiliate Dinner On Thursday, April 11 from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m., Carlow at Greensburg and Westmoreland County Community College (WCCC) will host the 9th Annual Student Affiliate Dinner at WCCC to celebrate local early childhood education students and community. Featuring keynote speaker Dr. Melissa Sherfinski, the conversation will explore how educators can empower students through equitable practices. Register for The Student Affiliate Dinner by Wednesday, April 3 at 4:30 p.m. For questions about The Student Affiliate Dinner, contact Vicki Hricik at 724.925.4013 or hricikv@westmoreland.edu. The Homewood Block Party On Saturday, April 27 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Trying Together, the Homewood Early Learning Hub, and Homewood-Brushton Family Support Center will host their annual Homewood Block Party on Kelly Street. Young children and their families are invited to enjoy an afternoon of free activities, food, performance, and information from local partners about the work they do. No registration is required. For questions or more information, contact Rosie Hogan at rosie@tryingtogether.org.
March 1, 2019 Annual Celebration Dinner Join Trying Together and early childhood colleagues at the Annual Celebration Dinner to celebrate the work you do for young children. Enjoy dinner, a photo booth, and prizes. Details Thursday, April 4, 2019 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Carnegie Museum of Art 4400 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Registration Is Now Closed Individual Ticket: $12.00 Director’s Table (10 Tickets): $100 A buffet meal will be served. Please indicate at time of purchase if you require gluten-or dairy-free options or a kosher meal. Limited quantities will be available. If you are still interested in a ticket, Trying Together may be able to accommodate the request. Please contact Sharon Seitam at 412.421.3889 or sharon@tryingtogether.org for more details. Emcee Charles “Chuck” Herring, EdD Keynote Speaker Illah R. Nourbakhsh K&L Gates Professor of Ethics and Computational Technologies Director CREATE Lab Carnegie Mellon University Honoring PNC Grow Up Great 15th Anniversary Questions? Sharon Seitam, Operations Manager 412.421.3889 sharon@tryingtogether.org