August 14, 2023 Social Policy Study Reveals Vital Role of SNAP for Children and Families A recent report from the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) has provided new insight on the critical role of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the health and well-being of children and families. About the Report Entitled, “The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): A Vital Resource for Children, Youth, and Families,” the report combined data from existing research with insights from interviews between CSSP staff and SNAP-assisted families to build a complete picture of SNAP’s impact. Key Findings Key findings from the report show: In 2021, SNAP reached 41.5 million people in an average month. SNAP plays a critical role fighting hunger and malnutrition, and promoting economic wellbeing. For families, SNAP can help lift some of the weight off parents and caregivers as they struggle to feed growing children. For youth and young adults, SNAP provides some security and stability as they transition to adulthood and pursue their goals. This support is especially critical for young people who age out of foster care and are disproportionately likely to struggle to afford food, as they often lose access to social services and economic supports when they leave foster care. SNAP can be a critical resource for young people, helping them buy food and meet their needs as they set out on their own, further their education, embark on their careers, and form their own families. CSSP Policy Recommendations Though SNAP provides an enormous, essential benefit to families and youth, CSSP shared in the report that SNAP can do more to help people meet their needs and pursue their goals, offering a number recommendations. They encourage policymakers to: increase benefit levels, repeal the three-month time limit for adults, restore access to immigrant families, and lift the ban on hot food. Learn More To learn more, read the full report or visit the CSSP website. Source Information for this post was taken directly from the CSSP SNAP report. Some text may have been added, paraphrased, or adapted for readability and comprehension. Related Content & Resources 2023 Food Resources Allegheny County Family Resource Map Highlights Supports for Locals Housing Resources Available for Allegheny County and Pennsylvania Families ELRC Region 5 Now an Infant Formula Bank Updated: Summer Food Programs Offer Free Meals to Children OCDEL Invites Families to Participate in Free Professional Photo Session Clothing Distribution at The Homewood Early Learning Hub & Family Center LDA of PA Offering Free Reading Tutoring to Children in Hill District
August 1, 2023 Grandfamily Tip Sheets Provide Information on Self-Care and Youth Mental Health Generations United, with support from Humana, recently developed tip sheets on self-care and youth mental health for grandfamily caregivers. Tip sheets include specialized information and resources for grandfamilies and grandparents who care for young children. About Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheets According to Generations Untied, there are 2.6 million children in the U.S. living in households headed by a grandparent, another relative, or close family friend without a parent present. Consequently, these families, often referred to as “grandfamilies,” require unique supports. Tip sheets, tailored to grandfamilies, serve Generations United’s mission to improve the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational collaboration. Thus far, two grandfamily caregiver tip sheets have been developed: Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care, and Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health. Both are available in English and Spanish. Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care The grandfamily caregiver tip sheet on self-care: defines self-care, explains the need for grandfamily self-care, estabilishes challenges grandfamilies face in receiving self-care, provides self-care tips for grandfamily caregivers, and, also provides examples of self-care. Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health The grandfamily caregiver tip sheet on youth mental health: explains the impacts of childhood trauma, shares recommendations on mitigating the impact of trauma, highlights warning signs of child mental health challenges, shares recommendations for talking to children about mental health, and, additionally, provides mental health resources. Access the Tip Sheets To access the tip sheets, utilize the following links: Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care (English) Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Self-Care (Spanish) Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health (English) Grandfamily Caregiver Tip Sheet: Youth Mental Health (Spanish) Additionally, tip sheets are available on the Generations United website. Learn More To learn more, visit the Generations United website. Related Content & Resources Types of Family Structures Support Resources for Parents and Caregivers Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Family Dynamics Grandparent Council Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Caring for the Caregiver A Guide to Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Childhood Mental Health A Guide for Families: Childhood Mental Health
July 27, 2023 Resources for August Observances Various organizations, states, and nations recognize a number of observances each month. Resources help parents, caregivers, and child care professionals acknowledge and navigate them. Here is a list of resources for August observances: Month-Long Observances Summer Sun Safety Month CDC Shares Sun Safety Tips for Schools, Trying Together Allegheny County Shares Summer Safety Guidance, Trying Together Summer Safety Brochure, Allegheny County Health Department, Trying Together Sun Safety, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Be Safe in the Sun, American Cancer Society Sun Protection, American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Sun Protection Tips for Those with Black and Brown Skin, Boston University Sun Safety and Prevention, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) August is National Immunization Awareness Month, Trying Together National Immunization Awareness Month, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Recommended Vaccinations for Infants and Children, Parent-Friendly Version, Birth through 6 Years, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccines for Your Children By Age, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Spanish / Español Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month National Center Releases Guide on Children’s Eye Health, Trying Together An Eye Health Information Tool Kit for Parents and Caregivers, National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health Eye Health and Safety for Kids, National Eye Institute (NEI) Get Free or Low-Cost Eye Care For Children, National Eye Institute (NEI) Eye Conditions and Diseases, National Eye Institute (NEI) Spanish / Español 6 Ways to Be Proactive About Your Child’s Eye Health, John Hopkins Medicine Keep an Eye on Your Child’s Vision, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Resources for Parents of Blind and Low-Vision Children, Library of Congress: National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled Parenting Without Sight: What Attorneys and Social Workers Should Know About Blindness, National Federation of the Blind How to Get Free Audio Books for the Blind and Visually Impaired, The Braille Institute 25+ Children’s Books Featuring Visually Impaired Characters, WonderBaby Back to School Month Allegheny Child Care What is Allegheny Child Care? 2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration Information, Trying Together Top 10 Skills for Children Entering Kindergarten, Trying Together Your Child is Going to Kindergarten: Family Guide (ECLKC), Trying Together Kindergarten Transition: A Guide for Families, Trying Together National Breastfeeding Month Breastfeeding Resources, Breastfeeding Center of Pittsburgh, Trying Together Breastfeeding Classes August is National Breastfeeding Month: This is Our Why, U.S. Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) Lactation Support, Healthy Start Center for Urban Breastfeeding (HSCUB) Breastfeeding, Kids Plus Pediatrics Pittsburgh Black Breastfeeding Circle (PBBC) Breast Feeding Resources, Birth Doulas of Pittsburgh Weeks of Recognition August 6 – 12 is Exercise with Your Child Week Childhood Physical Health: Resources, Trying Together Play and Physical Activity Guide for Educators & Families, Trying Together Supporting Childhood Physical Health: A Guide for Families: The Importance of Exercise, Trying Together Using Play to Support Children’s Physical Health, Trying Together Air Quality Tips and Training Available for Families and Educators, Trying Together Physical Education Vocabulary for Kids, Trying Together Resources for Supporting Physical Activity, Nutrition, Play and More, Action for Healthy Kids Promoting the Physical Health of Boys (and Girls), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Days of Recognition August 1 is National Night Out (NNO) National Night Out Returns to Pittsburgh, Trying Together City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety About National Night Out National Night Out Resources August 9 is National Book Lovers Day Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Releases 2023 Best Books for Babies List, Trying Together Toolkit: Families and Schools Partnering for Children’s Literacy Success, Trying Together 2023 Virtual Summer Learning and Literacy Road Trip, Trying Together Children’s Books on Race and Equity, Trying Together Books to Celebrate Gender Expression, Inclusion, and Pride, Trying Together Children’s Books About Transitions, Trying Together Children’s Books About Mental Health, Trying Together Restaurants Add Books to the Menu with Summer Reading Programs, Trying Together August 15 is National Back To School Prep Day 2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration Information, Trying Together 101 Back-to-School Tips for Parents and Kids, Back-to-School Tips, 10 Considerations Before Going Back to School as a Parent, Parents Magazine August 26 is Women’s Equality Day Family Guide: Gender and Gender Identity, Trying Together Women’s Equality Day, The National Women’s History Alliance Women for a Healthy Environment (WHE) The Pittsburgh Women’s Alliance Women’s Issues Support Groups in Pittsburgh, Psychology Today The Women and Girls Foundation
July 7, 2023 Employment Opportunities and Resources Trying Together has compiled a listing of recruiting events, open positions, and resources to help community members navigate the multitude of post-secondary and employment opportunities throughout the Greater Pittsburgh area. The listings below have been updated as of September 6, 2024. Check back regularly for new job posts, events, and resources. Upcoming Hiring/Recruitment Events Child Care Careers in Person Recruiting Event Monday, 10/21 | 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. UPMC Pathways Virtual Information Session Tuesday, 10/8 | 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Virtual Hiring Event Bethel Park (C.N.A. Classes) Wednesday, 10/9 | 11 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Commonwealth of PA – PennDOT Recruitment Event Wednesday, 10/9 | 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Hot JOB$ Virtual Event Tuesday, 10/15 | 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Pittsburgh Regional Transit – Bus Driver Operator Interview Day Wednesday, 10/16 | 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Pittsburgh Career Fair Monday, 10/21 | 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. UPMC Pathways Virtual Information Session Tuesday, 10/22 | 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Hot JOB$ Virtual Event Wednesday, 10/29 | 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Post Secondary Opportunities Everyday Interactions Matter Coaching and Mentoring Trying Together Apprenticeship Program Trying Together Child Development Associate Program Trying Together Teacher Induction and Certification Trying Together Professional Development Event Calendar Employment Opportunities APOST OST Job Openings Child Care Career Openings in Pittsburgh Familylinks, Inc. Job Opportunities Hello Neighbor Job Openings Literacy Pittsburgh Open Positions Pittsburgh Regional Transit Job Openings Next City Job Openings The Children’s Institute Job Openings Trying Together Job Openings Vibrant Pittsburgh Job Postings Landforce Crew Application Training and Apprenticeship Programs BankWork$ Training Program Building Trades Apprenticeships Pittsburgh BuildWPA Apprenticeship Literacy Pittsburgh Computer Classes Calendar, Allegheny County Schedule Literacy Pittsburgh Computer Classes Calendar, Beaver County Schedule Pennsylvania Women Work (PWW) 3 Cups of Coffee Program UPMC Construction and Community Resource Center UPMC Nursing Assistant/Patient Care Technician Training Program Per Scholas Certification Training TEKsystems Technology Industry Courses Software Engineer Cybersecurity IT Support Additional Resources BuildWPA Resources Career Services at Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania Own Our Own Pennsylvania Women Work (PWW)
Summer EmployHER Pittsburgh Program Kick Off & Opportunity Fair Join EmployHER Pittsburgh for their Summer Program Kick & Opportunity Fair to explore a variety of hiring opportunities and career resources from local Pittsburgh companies, organizations, and agencies. When: Monday, 7/31 | 12 – 6 p.m. (Last participant arrival at 5 p.m.) Where: Commonwealth Charter Academy, 162 E Bridge Street, Unit 100, Homestead, Pa. 15120 Register Attendees will get the opportunity to meet hiring employers, receive resume reviews, get professional head shots, enroll in education and training programs, receive food, housing, and child care support, and participate in self-care experiences. Following this even fair, attendees will have six months of support with finding a job, networking, and education. Light refreshments, snacks, and lunch will be available, and onsite child care will be provided at no cost. Global Wordsmiths Translation Services (Spanish and Arabic) will be on site. Free parking is available in the parking lot under the bridge. EmployHER Pittsburgh is a collaborative initiative between Dress for Success Pittsburgh, New Century Careers, and When She Thrives aimed at providing access to better employment, personal development, and educational opportunities for women in Allegheny County.
June 29, 2023 Resources for July Observances Various organizations, states, and nations recognize a number of observances each month. Resources help parents, caregivers, and child care professionals acknowledge and navigate them. Here is a list of resources for July observances: Month-Long Observances National Parks and Recreation Month City of Pittsburgh Department of Parks & Recreation, CitiParks Summer Program Guide, Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Top Green Spaces and Public Parks in Pittsburgh, Visit Pittsburgh Growing Equity in City Green Space, Eos Rocking and Rolling. Fresh Air, Fun, and Exploration: Why Outdoor Play Is Essential for Healthy Development, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Why Kids Need to Spend Time in Nature, Child Mind Institute Free Worksheet: Thank a Park Ranger Card, Become a Junior Ranger, National Park Service Five Fun Activities for Teaching Kids About Conservation, National Recreation and Park Association Allegheny County Shares Summer Safety Guidance, Trying Together National Make a Difference to Children Month 5 Pittsburgh Organizations supporting Our Most Vulnerable Children–and Inspiring Us to Help, Kidsburgh Most Popular Pittsburgh Children & Youth Nonprofits and Charities, Great Nonprofits Positive Parenting, National Institute of Health The Power of Positive Parenting, UC Davis Health 8 Ways to Strengthen a Parent-Child Relationship, Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin Bonding with Stepchildren: 7 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship, Three Principles to Improve Outcomes for Children and Families, Harvard University Center on the Developing Child Strategies to Support Black Students, Teachers, and Communities in Schools, Education Northwest 12 Powerful Statistics That Prove Why Teachers Matter, We Are Teachers Family Engagement, Office of Head Start and Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center Raise Child Care, Start Strong PA National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month Prioritizing Minority Mental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) BIPOC Mental Health, Mental Health America Mental Health Disparities: Diverse Populations, American Psychiatric Association Contextualizing BIPOC Youth Mental Health, National Black Women’s Justice Institute Mental Illness Doesn’t Discriminate, so Why Do BIPOC Communities Have Difficulty Accessing Care?, Jefferson Center for Mental Health Erasing Mental Health Stigma in the Black Community, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) BIPOC/AAPI Mental Health Resources, NAMI New Hampshire Where to Find Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents in Pittsburgh, The University of Pittsburgh: Youth and Family Research Program Anti-Racism Resources for Families, Trying Together Multilingual Trauma Resources, The Child Mind Institute Days of Recognition July 4 is Independence Day Ways to Celebrate Independence Day in Pittsburgh in 2023, VisitPittsburgh 23 Crafts and Activities for Independence Day, WeAreTeachers The History of Independence Day, History Channel A Nation’s Story: “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”, National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC) The Fourth of July is a Black American Holiday, The Washington Post 19 Children’s Books to Inspire Courage and Activism, HarperCollins Publishers July 14 is International Non-Binary People’s Day Gender Identity Development in Early Childhood, Trying Together Resource List: LGBTQ+ Organizations, Trying Together A Guide to Gender Identity Terms, NPR & WESA Understanding Nonbinary People: How to Be Respectful and Supportive, National Center for Transgender Equality 10 Ways to Step Up as an Ally to Non-Binary People, Stonewall 20 Picture Books to Help You Raise Kind, Tolerant Kids, Today Early Childhood Book List: Learning About Gender Diversity, Social Justice Books July 24 is National Parents’ Day 7 Fun Ways to Celebrate Parents’ Day This Year, Parents Caring for the Caregiver, Trying Together Positive Parenting Tips, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series, Trying Together Outside Gender Norms: Father’s Day and Mother’s Day Aren’t Easy First for LGBTQ Families, The Standard-Times Parenting Resources for Foster Parents, Child Welfare Information Gateway Being a Step-Parent and Raising Your Partner’s Child, Raising Children Resources to Share with Expectant Families, Office of Head Start Find Child Care, ELRC Region 5 July 25 is World Drowning Prevention Day Drowning Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Drowning Prevention & Facts, American Red Cross Water Safety at Home, Safe Kids Worldwide Water Safety Tips for Families, Seattle Children’s Hospital Toddler Water Safety: 14 Ways to Keep Safer, Stop Drowning Now Water Safety for Your Special Needs Child, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Resources: Learn to Swim, Allegheny County 4 Places To Get FREE Summer Swim Lessons For Kids In The ‘Burgh, Macaroni Kid How to Perform Child and Baby CPR, American Red Cross Trying Together and ELRC Region 5 Partnering to Offer First Aid & CPR Training, ELRC Region 5 July 26 is National Disability Independence Day Guide to Disability Rights Laws, U.S. Department of Justice: Civil Rights Division Ideas for Celebrating the ADA, Disability and Autism Supports, Allegheny County Department of Human Services Disability Resources in the Community, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) 16 Shelf-Worthy Children’s Books About Disabilities for All Students, WeAreTeachers Representation Matters: Kids Books That Embrace Disability and Difference, New York Public Library Service Dogs 101—Everything You Need to Know, American Kennel Club Assistive Devices for Children: Walking and Mobility, KidsHealth
June 28, 2023 Allegheny County Family Resource Map Highlights Supports for Locals Did you know the Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) Region 5 offers an interactive, online tool to help families navigate area programs and services? The Allegheny County Family Resource Map provides caregivers of young children and other residents in Allegheny County the opportunity to locate available supports closest to them. About the Allegheny County Family Resource Map Launched in 2020, the map highlights the addresses, phone numbers, and websites of a variety of family supports, including those on: aging care and education employment family activities food health housing new parents outdoors and recreation transportation, and wi-fi locations Through the map, families can find countywide resources and services closest to them, such as senior community centers, family centers, early learning programs, public schools, WIC offices, parks, libraries, food pantries, diaper banks, clinics, public housing, Port Authority bus stops, and more. Access the Map Access the map here or visit the ELRC Region 5 website. Learn More For questions or to submit a map suggestion, please contact ELRC Region 5 at 412.350.3577 or
June 7, 2023 Organizations Publish New Child Safety and Development Resources for Families and Educators Sesame Workshop and Trying Together have recently published new child development or safety resources for parents, caregivers, teachers, policy makers, and child care providers. Find a list of these resources below. Recently Published Resources on Child Development & Safety School Readiness: Simple Ways to Lay the Foundation for Learning – Sesame Workshop In an effort to bridge the gap between home and school and to help children feel safe and secure in the classroom, Sesame Workshop has curated a list of articles, activities, videos, and more. This guide can help children learn to celebrate classroom communities and support families as they get ready for school and life with their children. Access the interactive guide on the Sesame Workshop website. Lead Remediation Resources for Child Care Providers – Trying Together In November 2021, the city of Pittsburgh adopted a lead safety ordinance that aims to prevent potential lead exposure in young children. Recognizing the significant health and developmental concerns linked to lead exposure in young children and the potential financial cost for providers, Trying Together compiled a list of lead remediation resources for child care programs. Access the list on the Trying Together website. Learn More To learn more, visit the Sesame Workshop and Trying Together websites.
June 1, 2023 Resources for June Observances Various organizations, states, and nations recognize a number of observances each month. Resources help parents, caregivers, and child care professionals acknowledge and navigate them. Here is a list of resources for June observances: Month-Long Observances Caribbean American Heritage Month Caribbean American History and Culture, U.S. Department of the Interior Global Diasporas: Contemporary African and Caribbean Migration – Organizations & Resources in Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Library System On the Town: Celebrating Caribbean American Heritage, PBS Top 10 Caribbean American Heritage Month Activities, Twinkl 19 Books to Celebrate Caribbean American Heritage, Scholastic Caribbean American Heritage Month Lesson Plans, Share My Lesson Anti-Racism Tools, Trying Together Inclusive Language Guidelines, American Psychological Association (APA) National Men’s Health Month 5-Minute Guide to Men’s Mental Health, Mental Health America Man 2.0: Normalizing Self-Care for Men, Healthline Gay and Bisexual Men’s Health: Recommendations for A Healthier You, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Trans Men Health Screening Recommendations, AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Resources for Supporting Physical Activity, Nutrition, Play and More, Action for Healthy Kids Promoting the Physical Health of Boys (and Girls), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National PTSD Awareness Month Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) When a Child’s Parent has PTSD, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs It’s Not Just Exhaustion: When Parenting Causes PTSD, Healthline Allegheny County Crisis Response Resources, Allegheny County Department of Human Services Parent Guidelines for Helping Youth After a Recent Shooting, The National Child Traumatic Stress Network Helping Young Children with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers, The National Child Traumatic Stress Network Pride Month Pittsburgh Pride 2023, Pittsburgh Pride Revolution 6 Things LGBTQ Youth Want Allies To Do This Pride, Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLESEN) Sharing Pride Month with Kids: 9 Ways to Celebrate Pride Month, Boys & Girls Clubs of America LGBTQ Activism and Contributions, Library of Congress The LGBTQ+ Experience, PBS Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Gender, Gender Identity, and LGBTQ+ Inclusion, Trying Together Physical and Mental Health Services Related to the LGBTQ Community, Allegheny County Department of Human Services LGBTQ+ Youth Resources, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) LGBTQ Resource List, GLAAD Here’s How to be an Ally to the LGBTQ Community, USA Today Pronoun Guide, Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLESEN) LGBTQ Glossary, John Hopkins University: Diversity and Inclusion Resources Child Vision Awareness Month 6 Ways to Be Proactive About Your Child’s Eye Health, John Hopkins Medicine Keep an Eye on Your Child’s Vision, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Resources for Parents of Blind and Low-Vision Children, Library of Congress: National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled Early Childhood Inclusion, Trying Together Parenting with a Visual Impairment, BBC Parenting Without Sight: What Attorneys and Social Workers Should Know About Blindness, National Federation of the Blind Accessing Audio Books, Teaching Students with Visual Impairments How to Get Free Audio Books for the Blind and Visually Impaired, The Braille Institute 25+ Children’s Books Featuring Visually Impaired Characters, WonderBaby Weeks of Recognition June 1 – 7 is CPR & AED Awareness Week CPR Facts & Statistics, American Heart Association How to Perform Child and Baby CPR, American Red Cross Trying Together and ELRC Region 5 Partnering to Offer First Aid & CPR Training, ELRC Region 5 June 12 – 18 is National Men’s Health Week 5 Ways to Celebrate Men’s Health Week, National Foundation for Cancer Research How To Support Men For National Men’s Health Week, Better Health The Masculinity Project, John Hopkins University A Father’s Guide to Raising Good Men, CNN See additional resources under “National Men’s Health Month.” Days of Recognition June 18 is Father’s Day 53 Best Father’s Day Activities That’ll Be Fun for the Whole Family, Good Housekeeping The 8 Best Things Dads Can Do for Themselves in Honor of Father’s Day, Everyday Health Developmentally Appropriate Parenting Series: Caring for the Caregiver, Trying Together What Father’s Day Means to a Transgender Parent, NPR Column: Fatherhood Takes Many Forms, Traditional and Not, These Days, Los Angeles Times Father’s Day When Father Isn’t There, L.A. Parent June 19 is Juneteenth Juneteenth: The History of a Holiday, The New York Times Pittsburgh Celebrates Juneteenth Freedom Day, Visit Pittsburgh 5 Ways to Celebrate Juneteenth With Your Family, PBS Kids for Parents 20 Educational Resources and Activities for Teaching Juneteenth, Teaching Expertise NMAAHC Kids: Understanding & Celebrating Juneteenth, National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) Children’s Books to Honor Juneteenth and Black History, Harper Collins Publishers Top 10 Children’s Books on Freedom, Bookroo Juneteenth Resources, The Smithsonian Institution How Do You Explain Slavery to Kids?, National Geographic Talking to Kids About Racism and Violence, The Child Mind Institute Anti-Racism Resources for Families, Trying Together June 27 is National PTSD Awareness Day What is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?, National Institute of Mental Health Resources on Trauma for Caregivers and Families, Child Welfare Information Gateway Multilingual Trauma Resources, The Child Mind Institute Children’s Books for Coping with Abuse and Trauma, Creating a Family See additional resources under, “National PTSD Awareness Month.”
May 8, 2023 PADHS and ACDHS Renewed Recommendations for End of Public Health Emergency The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced that the federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) declaration, which allows families and individuals to get COVID-19-related benefits and automatic coverages, will expire on May 11, 2023. Many PHE benefits have already been terminated, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) emergency allotments, which expired at the end of February 2023, and continuous Medical Assistance eligibility and enrollment, which ended April 1, 2023. To better support families through this continuing transition, the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (ACDHS) and Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (PADHS) issued the following recommendations: (This article was updated on May 10, 2023 to include new information on renewing coverage via mail). How should families and individuals in Allegheny County respond to the end of PHE? Continuous Medical Assistance eligibility and enrollment ended April 1, 2023. Everyone on Medical Assistance and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) will need to renew their application. In April, PADHS began sending renewal information to recipients. Attempts to contact recipients regarding renewals will span a 12-month period. Recipients will get information in the mail about renewing their Medicaid or CHIP coverage. When this packet arrives, they must complete and return it by the date printed on the packet. They can return it by mail or deliver it in-person at any local County Assistance Office. Recipients can also complete the renewal by phone at 1-866-550-4355 or online at PADHS may contact recipients through other means as well, including by phone. Regardless of how they are contacted, recipients will need to: keep their contact information up-to-date, and respond quickly to any correspondence that they receive, even if nothing has changed. Not responding will result in a loss of coverage. This will affect everyone in Allegheny County who receives Medical Assistance and CHIP. SNAP benefits ended in February 2023 During the PHE, all SNAP households received at least an additional $95/month. Without this additional support, more than 166,000 people receiving SNAP benefits in Allegheny County may need food assistance. How can families and individuals prepare for this transition? Families and individuals receiving Medical Assistance or CHIP: Families and individuals receiving Medical Assistance or CHIP should update their contact information in COMPASS. The Department of Human Services will send important notices in the mail about renewals, so it is very important that contact information be up-to-date. Log into to update your contact information, or call the Statewide Customer Service Center at 1-877-395-8930, if you prefer not to use the online portal. Families and individuals receiving SNAP benefits: SNAP benefits have decreased, so some families and individuals may be struggling to secure enough food. Anyone who needs food assistance can call 2-1-1 or look at the food bank’s food locator tool. Households with pregnant individual(s) or children under the age of 5: If someone in your household is pregnant or under the age of 5, WIC can help connect you to food resources. Learn more about WIC at and, if you are interested in WIC resources, fill out the pre-application on that page. Additional Resources Medicaid and CHIP Community Care Behavioral Health is available to assist members and providers with eligibility questions and support. Members can call 1-844-488-5336. Providers can call 1-888-251-2224. SNAP Just Harvest can help people apply for SNAP, as well as other benefits. For more information about SNAP Emergency Allotments, the February change, and how to report changes to benefits, visit Food Resources in Allegheny County ELRC Region 5 has curated a list of food resources provided by organizations in Allegheny County. To find the food list, visit