
August 3, 2020

New Family Care & Education Forum

In response to uncertainty surrounding the 2020-2021 school year, Trying Together has launched the Family Care & Education Forum.

This new community resource will connect parents and caregivers across Southwestern Pennsylvania and provide a space to ask questions, network, and support one another.


The Family Care & Education Forum is an online forum where parents and caregivers can engage in conversation with one another. Upon signing up, users will be able to post questions, respond to comments, and learn more about care and education opportunities in their area.

With the upcoming start to the 2020-2021 school year, conversations in the Forum will start with a focus on finding in-home and out-of-home care; discussing safety measures being taken within local school districts; connecting with virtual learning programs; and brainstorming ways to incorporate play with socially distant learning. As this platform grows and expands, there will be new discussion topics related to care and education.

Sign Up

The Family Care & Education Forum is open to all caregivers, which Trying Together defines as any adult who interacts with young children. Users are encouraged to review Trying Together’s Social Media Policy and Privacy Policy prior to creating an account. While the focus of the Forum in the coming months will be Southwestern Pennsylvania, the Forum is open to all regions.

More Information

To view availability at licensed child care and out-of-school time programs in Allegheny County, please visit Allegheny Child Care on the Trying Together website. For questions regarding child care in Allegheny County, visit the ELRC Region 5 website, call 412.350.3577 or 1.888.340.3572, or email elrc5@allegheny

Please contact with any questions.


July 30, 2020

Reopening Plans for Allegheny County Districts

Allies for Children has compiled and will update information about reopening and health and safety plans for school districts in Allegheny County. Find the information for your school district in their Google spreadsheet.

School Reopening Guidance

Please utilize the following state and national resources for more information about guidance for schools that are reopening.

Pennsylvania State Guidance

National Guidance

More Information

More resources related to COVID-19 are available for families and professionals on the Trying Together website. To learn more about Allies for Children, please visit their website.


March 6, 2018

Kindergarten Transition

The transition to kindergarten marks a critical point in the lives of children and families. Students who are ready for kindergarten and attend the first day of school are more likely to read on grade-level by third grade, regularly attend school, make friends, and are less likely to drop out of high school. Early and on-time registration allows schools and districts to plan for classroom materials, resources, and staff as they prepare to welcome a new group of students. It also enables families to establish relationships with teachers and administrators that are so important for easing the stress and anxiety of children (and their families) as they begin elementary school.

Register for Kindergarten

Top 10 Kindergarten Readiness Skills

Hi5! collaborated with a group of pre-k and kindergarten teachers to develop a list of academic, social, emotional, and physical skills for children entering kindergarten based on the PA Early Learning Standards. A list of more than 30 skills was sent to educators in school districts, child care programs, and Head Start programs throughout the region—including Allegheny, Butler, Fayette, Greene, and Westmoreland counties. View the checklist (PDF).

Translated versions:

About Hi5! Partnership

Hi5! Kindergarten transition efforts are led in partnership with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit 3 (AIU3), Trying Together, and United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania (who generously fund the project). We have a leadership team that consists of community and state partners, principals, Head Start administrators, and early learning program directors. The Hi5! Partnership focuses on engaging all 43 public school districts in Allegheny County and supports each district to:

    • develop and implement their own kindergarten transition plans;
    • build awareness with families that when “your child reaches five years of age, it’s time to register” them for kindergarten;
    • network and share best practices between pre-k teachers, kindergarten teachers, early childhood program directors, and school administrators; and
    • gather community resources throughout the county.

These efforts align with the Every Student Succeeds Act, the new federal law passed in 2015 which required states to have a plan that includes thinking about the transition to kindergarten and how districts connect with early learning programs. For more information about the project, transition teams, and activities, please email, or view the Hi5! overview (PDF) and Kindergarten Transition Whitepaper (PDF).


Hi5 anniversary