
February 6, 2023

Prenatal-to-Three Playbook Details State of Child Care in Allegheny County, Shares Resources

Child Trends, in partnership with The Heinz Endowments, has published the Prenatal-to-Three (PN-3) Playbook. The playbook reveals PN-3 challenges and successes in Allegheny County, and provides resources and tools that equitably support Allegheny County families with children three years-old and younger.


The Heinz Endowments partnered with Child Trends in spring of 2020 to create the Prenatal-to-Three (PN-3) Playbook. The project
team at Child Trends worked with several local child care organizations, including Trying Together, and interviewed over 30 PN-3 stakeholders in Allegheny County to develop it.

Summary of Findings

State of Child Care in Allegheny County

  • Allegheny County’s maternal and child health programs and social supports, such as its five prenatal and postnatal
    home visiting programs, successfully serve children.

    • Between 2015 and 2019, 86.9% of women who gave birth in Allegheny County received a prenatal care visit in their first trimester, nearly 10 percentage points higher than the national average.
    • Rates of prenatal care utilization do not vary by race/ethnicity in Allegheny County.
  • Allegheny County faces challenges with its disparately high rates of maternal and infant deaths among Black populations.
    • The infant mortality rate among Black infants is more than four times higher than among White infants.
    • The maternal mortality rate for Black mothers is higher in Pittsburgh than in 97 percent of similar cities.
  • Elements of early learning systems in the county are strong. For example, 43% of the county’s child care capacity meets high-quality standards.
  • There are notable gaps in access to high-quality early education.
    • Among the infants and toddlers in Allegheny County who are eligible for Child Care Works (CCW), Pennsylvania’s
      child care subsidy program, 70% remain unserved.
    • In the city of Pittsburgh, around 35% of children who potentially need child care are unable to access it. This is higher than the state’s average child care accessibility gap of 29%.
  • The evident disparities in maternal and child health outcomes and access to high-quality early childhood care are compounded by
    other county- and state-level systems and supports for families, such as access to paid family and sick leave and affordable child care. Allegheny County is taking positive steps by offering paid family leave to county employees and recently requiring most businesses in
    the county to offer paid sick leave to their employees.

New Governmental Support for Child Care

  • In 2018, Congress approved more than $2 billion in funding to support states in meeting Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) reauthorization requirements. After this, Pennsylvania’s child care funding increased by $66.1 million, allowing for more affordable and high-quality child care options.
  • Recently, child care advocates persuaded the Pennsylvania legislature to allocate $25 million in new state funding towards child care.
  • Allegheny County Department of Human Services created Hello Baby in 2019—a program that intends to serve all women and families of new babies, and specifically targets supports to the families most in need.
  • The Allegheny County Department of Health created an Infant Mortality Collaborative (IMC) to help address disparities in infant mortality rates in the region, as well as to raise awareness and knowledge of local maternal and child health issues.
  • Additionally, Allegheny County created a Department of Children’s Initiatives in 2021 to promote access to high-quality early learning.

A PN-3 Map for Allegheny County

Child Trends created an interactive, online map of Prenatal-to-Three services in Allegheny County. The playbook includes a link to the report.

The map includes: median household incomes surrounding childcare organizations, organization types, services provided by organizations, and additional organizational information.

PN-3 State and County Policy Recommendations

  • Enact state laws that require employers to provide protections and accommodations to pregnant workers.
  • Extend Medicaid benefits beyond the nationally mandated 60 days postpartum.
  • Implement paid family leave, paid sick leave that covers time to care for a child who is sick, and a state minimum hourly wage of $10 or higher.
  • Increase families’ access to child care subsidies.
  • Implement policies and programs equitably to support all families in need.

Key Considerations for Child Care Funding Allocations

  • Commit to an equitable process.
  • Listen to the voices of providers, families, and the workforce and prioritize their stated needs.
  • Use data to inform decisions and enhance data capacity.
  • Prioritize direct payments for the early care and education workforce.
  • Identify indicators at multiple levels of the system that can be used to track and monitor progress.
  • Work closely with intermediaries who maintain strong community ties, and communicate decisions with key stakeholders.
  • Build training and technical assistance to support the application and implementation processes.
  • Fund recruitment efforts.
  • Provide necessary supplies and support the home visiting workforce.
  • Finally, elevate the urgency of supporting the child care workforce and strengthen opportunities to support parents with newborns.

Learn More

Read the full report to learn more.


March 12, 2019



Grab your walking shoes and come play on car-free streets of Homewood, Larimer, East Liberty, Shadyside, and North Point Breeze on Saturday, May 25th!

Explore the longest OpenStreetsPGH route ever with 4.4 mile loop traveling through the East End.

OpenStreetsPGH is a free, all-ages event that’s building healthier, more connected communities. OpenStreetsPGH invites the community to get outside and be active, providing an opportunity to reimagine our streets as places for people, not just cars.


Join us for fitness workshops, kids activities, shopping, brunch, community arts, and special promotions presented by over 100 local businesses and organizations.

There are three event hubs along the route: two hubs will feature free fitness classes by the YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh and one hub will feature a brand new BikePGH Kids Bicycling Education classes.

Visit for more info!

Organizers & Supporters

The event is organized by Bike Pittsburgh and is made possible through major support from UPMC Health Plan. Additional support is provided by, Peoples, The Benter Foundation, The Heinz Endowments, Wahilia Creative, AARP, Port Authority, Uber, and PNC.


January 9, 2018


Through the generous support of PNC Grow Up Great, Trying Together is proud to present a series of UnConferences as part of its leadership and professional development courses.




The UnConference is an innovative, hands-on professional development training format where a deeper experience is provided around a particular theme. Local and national speakers are invited to present and participants are encouraged to engage hands-on in the workshops.

The day concludes with a roundtable discussion on how to apply these experiences and ideas in the early childhood environment as well as share ideas on how to partner with new colleagues.

Would you like to hear about future UnConferences? Sign up to receive emails from us.

Upcoming Unconferences

UnConference: Navigating Early Intervention Partnerships, March 8

UnConference: School-Age/Out-of-School Time, June 5 (more information to come)

Past UnConferences


Beyond the Playground: Advancing Racial Equity in Play, October 14

UnConference: Launching School Age Summer Programming, June 6

UnConference: Mental Health in Early Childhood Education, February 19


UnConference: Race Equity in Practice, February 11


UnConference: Creating a Safe Place with Trauma-Informed Care, February 8–18


Exceptional Care with a Team Approach to Inclusion, January 19–29


Virtual UnConference: Caring in a “New Normal”, September 14–23

Re-Opening to Our ‘New Normal’, May 26


The Business of Child Care, October 19

Young Learner’s Guide to Tech, March 30


P.R.I.D.E. Speaker Series – Reimagining Early Childhood: Being Intentional About Race and Young Children, September 27

Being Intentional about Race and Young Children, September 29

Play for Change, October 30

Destination Moon, November 3


Maker Tots, May 20 (part of Remake Learning Days)

Mindfulness, August 10

Get Dirty!, September 22

Friedberg-Segel Early Literacy featuring Hervé Tullet, October 14


An unprecedented six UnConferences were held, including:

Total Leadership, March 9

Maker Tots, May 14

Children+Arts 2.0

Get Dirty!

Fred Rogers—The Friend, Teacher, Advocate

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood


The UnConference: Children+Arts was presented with the Reggio Emilia Pittsburgh Initiative, NAREA and the Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh. In addition to a private tour of the “Wonder of Learning” exhibit presented by NAREA, this UnConference explored the importance of arts in early childhood education and highlighted its evolution of innovation through the lens of Reggio Emilia’s philosophy.

Keynote speaker was Reggio Emilia expert Jennifer Strange.

Workshop presenters included: Pittsburgh Ballet Theater, Opera Theater of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Attack Theatre, Gemini Theater, Pittsburgh Opera, Carnegie Museum of Art and the Andy Warhol Museum.


The inaugural UnConference, Game On! was presented in collaboration with the CREATE Lab and Google Pittsburgh.

This UnConference focused on how to embrace and appropriately use old and new technology with young children. In addition, Trying Together presented a “hackathon,” during which app ideas presented by teachers were brought to life through a hackathon team of programmers, designers, and teachers.

Keynote speaker was Illah Nourbakhsh from CREATE Lab.

Workshop presenters included: Google Pittsburgh, TechShop, Dream Flight Adventures at Shaler Elementary, Pittsburgh Center for Creative ReUse, Schell Games, MAYA Design, Education Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University, CREATE Lab, MakeShop at Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, Etcetera Edutainment and Assemble.


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